malfoy manor

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as we got to the manor and finally got to the steps i saw the only thing that could make me happy right now. i dont even know why he was here but he was. "DOBBY" i said as i run and hugged his tiny body.

he wrapped his little arms around me, "dobby loves hugs especially from you alice. dobby missed you but dobby has to do something so dobby will be right back ".

he walked away and appeared to wherever in the manor or anywhere. "i missed you too dobby and see you later" i said to dobby.

"i knew it would make her feel better" draco said to noah. as i walked to my room feeling absolutely hurt and betrayed. i knew that some of them didnt like it when i snaped but still they were supposed to be my family and friends. i think molly and remus hurt me the most.

i walked into the kitchen and made myself some cereal and leaned over the counter eating it, "tell me what happened" narcissa said and i told her everything that happened from this morning on.

"AHH OH MY HELP ME HELP AHHH" i screamed as something cut my leg open as i say there reading a muggle book. nothing seemed to be there but my leg was bleeding bad. i heard footsteps running up the stairs and towards my bedroom. the blood was glushing from my leg into a pile of blood.

this is my bedroom

"what the hell is happening why are you- oh my" lucis said as he saw my condition then the cutting stoped

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"what the hell is happening why are you- oh my" lucis said as he saw my condition then the cutting stoped.

i grabbed my blanket and tied it around my leg, "give.. me.. my.. wand.. and bella come over here" i said as bella walked over to me, my couch moved as i whispered into her ear "get the death eaters and the dark lord now" i said and she ran downstairs. "draco lock my door". i stumbled to get up and i sat on my couch reached over and grabbed something harry potter cloak revealing harry potter.

"harry potter i see you're in my house harming my family" narcissa said. harry was that foolish to think he would do that then leave. i quickly healed my leg and had my wand pointed at harry.

i heard a giggle from downstairs "HES HERE MY DEAR" bellatrix yelled from the bottom of the stairs and i grabbed harry by his ear and dragged him down the stairs.

"i knew i always liked you alice" voldemort said as i threw harry on the ground and walked over and hugged me.

harry stood up quietly, "how is it that everyone likes you but your own friends" harry said.

i put my wand away and sat down, "hmm i dont know i guess i'm just a likable person. wait aww are you mad that you got caught or what and are your lil friends gonna run through those doors in 3..2..1" i said and boom the door bust open and there standing are hermione, ron, ginny, luna, fred, george, remus, sirius, molly, aurther, and tonks.

voldemort put his arm on my shoulder"you've got to teach me that and do what you please with your friends just leave potter for me" voldemort said and i laughed and we did our little hand shake.

harry looked at us, "SHE ISNT THEIR FRIEND, SHE DOESNT KNOW A THING ABOUT THEM" harry yelled

"oh really potter now where do i start. hermione you're in love with ron but you fucked his brother, ron you're in love with hermione but you slept with lavender and you're scared potter is gonna take her away, ginny you had a crush on snape, luna i love you so nothing there, fred you slept with everyone including hermione, george you think your the underdog and you think fred is better than you hint hint he isn't and you have dirty dreams about luna, remus you're in love with someone 2x younger than you, molly and aurther nothing to say expect you are a traitor, tonks you're in love with someone 2x your age and when you were still at hogwarts you fucked snape oops and you fucked someone else, and sirius my father you fucked your bestfriends wife YESTERDAY sorry rem. harry potter dear harry you dirty dream about hermione and ginny TOGETHER and you wish you were me and last night you and cho did the deed in the broom closet next to fred and hermione" i said and smiled at them fakly

i walked back over to noah and out my forehead on his shoulder "isn't she amazing" noah said to his dad.

"CRUIO" sirius pointed his wand at me. and i just stood there not feeling anything. all of them who stood there with completely fear in they eyes looked and rose their wands "CRUIO" again i felt nothing it's like i have a forcefeild around me. i walked up to sirius and grabbed him by his hair and dragged him to the middle of the room.

"BELLAAA YOURE COUSIN IS HERE" i shouted for bellatrix in the other room. and she smiled as she walked in seeing me hold him with my wand to his throat.

sirius had fear in his eyes and i loved it, "you were born evil i should i known" sirius said.

"i was born like this. him you fight for lovely harry the godson you barely know. i think there was a time when you knew me AS YOUR DAUGHTER. a time before all the disappointments the revelations of betrayal, there were moment when all you had to do was be my father. and even then you despised me didn't you. i don't even wanna know the answer what the fu-" i said as he slowly turned into a dog and bit me. and then i turned into a lion.

i stood a little taller than he did and i was bigger and more powerful then him. i growled at him but he seemed to know that i could easliy kill him and backed down and turned back into a person.

"LEAVE leave my house all of you ouu not you remus and molly and Arthur you stay then rest of you can too if you wanna see your lil friend get tourted" everyone started leaving until i said that. "noah babe can you take this one down to the dungeon i don't want her to get hurt" i said in front of luna and she hugged me

she didn't pull away, "alice i know we hurt you and i'm sorry but be careful we love you" i hugged her back but didn't say anything. then noah took her down.

"alice.. you know what had 6 legs and now has 2.. the potter family" i started laughing and so did everyone else in the room i dont know why she was telling jokes and then everyone else started to come back into the room we were in

"hermione that's actually quite funny-" i laughed a little lightly,

"Avada Kedavra" hermione said pointing her wand at me and speaking the unforgiveable curse.

"NOOOO" bellatrix after running into the room and seeing me on the floor, cissa, draco, lucuis, voldy, and noah ran up to me as i looked up at the ceiling lifeless but not completely gone.

my lips were still turned up into a laugh and then i saw someone my grandma she was a ghost next to my body before i left "does it hurt" i muttered towards her.

"it's like falling asleep go met your mom alice" then my eyes shut and i saw this white light then i saw her.. someone so beautiful that i stood there in awe of her.. it was her..

"mom" i said as i started walking towards her.

"baby" she said running towards me. "it's not your time look at them crying over your dead body there is something i need to tell you before you go back which sounds stupid but you have to understand i need you to do find damon and stefen in mystic falls, you're a va-" then you were pulled back.

the air that was put into my lungs felt like heaven on earth, i felt cold and looked over to see bella with her wand at hermiones throat "you killed her YOU KILLED MY BESTFRIEND THE CLOSEST THING IVE HAD TO A DAUGHTER"..

i sat up and grabbed my throat, "what- what happened i can't breathe i'm thirsty"  i said sitting up and rubbing my head. everyone's heads turned towards me everyone with red and puffy eyes they have been crying everyone of them.

bellatrix threw hermione on the floor, "omg alice!" draco said running towards me.

i grabbed him and hugged him, "i need to go somewhere..mystic falls.." then everything went black.

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