first meet..

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wow i just saw my father for the first time.. then he turned into a dog.. then back.. and the first thing he does is hug harry. not his daughter, his actual blood. but harry fucking potter.

i have always lived with remus. he was like a 2nd dad to me. well my only dad since i basically just met my real father.

i've never realized how much i actually look like him. i had the same black hair that went down the my waist and grayish eyes with a bit of blue. but with freckles like my mom and my cousin (let's pretend that bellatrix have freckles)and i was an animagus too. i was just a white lioness, it was pretty cool when i first turned.

after two minutes of talking with harry he finally turned to see me and slowly walks over to me and take me in for the biggest hug i've ever had.

he wrapped his arms around me, "alice.. how much you've grown. wow remus told me you looked like me but now i see it. i'm so sorry i wasn't here for you. i'm the worse father ever" he said well lightly sobbing when he said his last words.

"dad, it's okay. you couldn't be there. but i had the next best thing rem.. REMUS" i yelled when i looked up to the moon after saying his name for the first time. Remus looked up and saw that is was a full moon, i saw his eyes change to a yellowish big pupil, and going for harry, hermione, ron, and snape.

"GET BACK" Sirius and i said at the same time then looked at each other confused. as we both transform into a black dog and a white lioness. and both charged at remus trying to stop him for hurting anyone. he threw sirius down of the floor and i charged at him. then we heard a howl from the woods and that got his attention as he ran towards it.

both me and my dad turned back into our human forms. "where'd you learn how to do that and why" he asks me.

"when you were gone someone had to be there for rem and surprisingly snape taught me how" he was still questioning it but kind of understood. "come on let's get out of here before he comes back. we need to find him first" i stated as i walked past the five of them towards this lake to try and find remus to make sure whatever called him from the woods wasn't attacking him.

hermione, ron, and harry wouldn't stop talking about how cool it was that it was a 'father daughter duo' that fought off remus. but snape walked with sirius and i in complete silence until dad said, "i can't be spotted out here like this or i'd be fou- AHH" i was walking a little ahead of him then turned and saw dozens of dementors looking like they were taking his soul from him.

i grabbed my wand from my bra, "EXPECTO PATRONUM" i yelled and the biggest fire of light went straight for them and drove them away long enough for me to run over and make sure my father was okay.


i woke up in my dorm kind of happy remembering the night before. that i had alone because all the other dorms were full. i looked over to see draco standing over me.. "how did you even get in my room dray?".

he pulled the blankets off me"i have a key and wake up you're coming to the hogmeade with my mom and i remember?". he went to my closet and pulled out an outfit.

"ohhh right i completely forgot now get-out-so-i-can-change" i said while hitting him with my pillow.

i closed the door and walked over to my dresser. it was the only thing in the room that wasn't a shade of green, silver, or black. it was light brown with a floral print of it of red roses. i grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a white lace shirt that had a ribbon thing in the middle that i tied and put on a belt with regular converse and walked out into the common room to see my friends then leave with draco.

 i grabbed a pair of black ripped jeans and a white lace shirt that had a ribbon thing in the middle that i tied and put on a belt with regular converse and walked out into the common room to see my friends then leave with draco

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"hey pansy.. blaise.. crabbe.. goyle.. adrian.. sorry to just come and go but i have to met my cousin in hogsmeade" i  said as i hugged them between greeting them, they were sitting on the couch so she reached over the couch to hug them. they greeted her as she did them. she was friends with all of them but she had a closer bond with pansy, blaise, and adrian. mostly because she played quidditch with them but they were always there for her since 1st year.

"well don't you look nice hoping you'd run into you know who " blaise said well nudging my shoulder at the last words.

"ohh fuck off" i said as i started walking out of the common room as everyone in the room started laughing as a joined with them.

we were in the middle of hogsmeade, "dray before your mom gets here i'm going to go into that store and get something i saw last time i was here" i said as i started to walk away and draco nodded.


the store i just went into had death eater smoke coming towards it and broke the ceiling letting a hole. "seriously bella that's quite an entrance" i laughed and opened my arms.

"i had to go all out for my favorite family member" bellatrix said as she walked towards me and hugged me.

the door opened, "HEYY" draco said walking into the store trying to sound offended.

"sorry dear, i just see so much of myself in her and plus she looks like i did as a 6th year" she said as she grabbed my hand and spon me around showing off my curves that what i've seen from photos that i definitely looked like her, tiny waist, bigish hips, 🍒 that would show in basically anything i wore, and an 🍑 that would also show in anything i wore. "thank you bella you know i love youuu".

"i love you too babes" bellatrix said so softly that i could only hear. she didn't like anyone knowing that i would ever be a weakness for her.

sense i never did know my father until recently i decided to have some family and to actually see what it would be like to have cousins and real family members. remus thought it was a bad idea but i couldn't go forever without learning about my dads side of the family. even if it meant that when i first met them, they would kill me for being sirius's daughter then later in 1st year i met all of them. expect bella who i met 2 years after.

i'll admit it was scaring meeting the family members that basically wanted my father dead because he was a blood traitor, and he was burned from the family tree.

how we first met each cousin/family member:


"hey alice.. black right?" draco asked me as i stepped onto the train.

i pulled my jacket over my shoulder, "yes? why" i said confused on why i have been here 2 seconds and someone is already questioning me.

"oh well i'm your cousin draco.. draco malfoy" and ever since them me and him have been inseparable. he was like a brother and then i came up with the name dray to mess with him.


i walked up to malfoy manner freaked out about what my other family member would think of me.. the door opens. "oh you must be alice come in dear. i'm narcissa but you can call me auntie or cissa. i'm your cousin. well dracos mom". she said then she pulled me in for a hug. ever since then she has been like a mother. caring for me when i was sad or sick or just needed that motherly love that i never had.


i walked in after narcissa gave us a hug and welcomed us into her house. "ahh alice it's so nice to actually met you my dear" someone with blonde hair that went down to his shoulder said as he walked over to me "oh sorry i'm lucius malfoy". and ever since then he would treat me as i was his daughter and would show harm to anyone that dared to harm me.


i just came down from my room that was always kept for me at the manor to make lunch sense i woke up late. black smoke went flying into the kitchen. "sis you wouldn't believe what i just did to this mug- why who are you" bellatrix said as she rose her wand to my neck because she didn't know who i was and then slowly lowered it. "god you must be some family member because you look like me and my cousin. OH MERLIN you're alice aren't you. i've been waiting so long to finally met you. i've heard so much about you. is it true that when someone send the curio curse that you won't feel it. and that you've mastered legilems when you were just a 3rd year?" she said very quickly, she seems very happy to see me and to talk to me. we talked from noon to 7 pm because that's when cissa came down and saw us. since then she has been one of my favorite people ever. we talk about boys, school, drama, muggles, the dark lord in which i talked her out of her telling him about her love for him or more of an obbesion for him.

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