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Third Person POV

Another three years have passed by and this time our boys didn't suffer alone and sad those three years were spent in bliss with morning cuddles and sweet kisses and lots of cute dates and traveling around the world.

Jimin and Yoongi relationships was stronger than ever the last three years were spent happily only some fights here and there and eventually Yoongi agreed to move in with Jimin he was sad to leave his apartment but happy to live with Jimin and was excited to bring bunhong with him to there shared apartment.

They also traveled as Jimin promised so for Christmas Jimin surprised Yoongi with a planned trip to Venice Italy and Yoongi was so excited he showered Jimin in kisses and gave him a good blow job.

As for work, both boy's careers have blossomed with only a few small bumps Yoongi became head nurse in his department and he held more fundraisers for kids who needed help and ran blood drives.

As for Jimin, he bought a mall yes a literal mall actually the mall where he and Yoongi went on a date one time where he also bought Yoongi's necklace but sadly that cute shop where he got the necklace closed an awhile back but he still bought it raising his profit and technically making him richer than he actually was and sometimes Yoongi calls him rich daddy and maybe sometimes that turns Jimin on.

As for there friends Taehyung and Jungkook got married and or course Yoongi freaked out when he first heard the news he was excited for his best friend and a little jealous but really excited since Taehyung and Jungkook have been dating since high school so when Jungkook proposed to Taehyung the year Jimin and Yoongi got back together everyone was excited and Yoongi was the best man for Jungkook since Namjoon was Taehyung's and later that night Jimin whispered that there wedding would be better which just caused Yoongi to blush and slapped his arm.

Namjoon and Seokjin relationship was complicated because Namjoon has had a crush on Seokjin for the longest time but gave up and went on a date with a girl but when seokjin found out he was pissed and one thing leads to other and they both confessed to each other and started dating which was weird for jimin at first but he got used to seeing them kiss and at last, our lovely kind hoseok always kept in touch with Taehyung and jungkook and found out he was dating a nice girl he met at college her name was rose and they were a nice match Hoseok seemed happy but still flirted with Yoongi just to piss off Jimin.

Now that we are all caught up on our favorite boys that bring us today to Yoongi's work on a warm summer day.

Yoongi POV

I just finished up in the nursery checking on all the cute babies in their small onesies I sanitized my hands and started to walk down the hall when I got paged on my walkie talkie by the front desk ladies which was confusing at first since it's only 6 pm and I get off at 7 today.

I make my way downstairs and walk into the lobby I approached the front desk ladies they smiled real big at me.

"Uh I was paged is something wrong?" I asked they giggled I raised an eyebrow at them.

"Nurse min we cleared your schedule for today so you can leave early," one of them said I blinked at them.

"Huh? What?" I said

"You're all done for today enjoy your weekend Nurse Min," She said I just blinked at her confused as hell but she soon pointed behind me and I turn around and my breath hitched.

"J-Jimin?" I said he smiled his beautiful smile at me that angelic smile.

"Hey baby," he said I looked him up and down his outfit made my mouth dry and made my heart pound he is standing behind me with a single rose and a brown shopping bag and his hair is fucking blonde again and his jacket...

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