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Jimin POV

After a long and confusing day, I finally hop on my motorcycle and drive home my mind filled with a cute mint haired boy and his gummy smile and fuzzy sweater.

Before I left the school I texted my two friends Namjoon and Seokjin to meet at my place for an emergency meeting and for one of them to bring cheeseburgers. I live in a two-bedroom apartment with my dad he is a single parent sadly my mom
passed when I was 10. So it has been just my dad and me he is a good hardworking man he kept me feed and clothed but he has to work a lot to provide for us so he is away a lot I kinda took care of myself growing up since he was a truck driver and is always on the road.

My childhood wasn't that lonely since it was just me alone in my small apartment at 10 years old I sometimes went to the park to play. That's where I meet Namjoon and Seokjin two older boys who were playing with firecrackers. We three become very close they knew about my home situation and took care of me seokjin would bring me food and namjoon would help me with my homework and they both would spend time with me they are my family.

I finally make it into my apartment I kick off my shoes and jacket I sloth walk into the kitchen and open the fridge looking for a beer I pull one out and crack it open and gulp some down. I relax as the alcohol hits my veins. I move to the living room and plop on the couch with a loud huff.

I'm about to close my eyes and take a quick nap when my front door is kicked open loudly I yelp at the loud sound followed by loud voices.

"YAH PARK!" Namjoon yelled

I look up and see Namjoon headed for the kitchen and Seokjin headed towards me with a brown greasy bad filled with yummy burgers he sits down and throws me one I catch it quickly and begin eating. Soon Namjoon comes back in with three beers he hands one to Seokjin and sets one aside for me and opens his.

"So what's up?" Seokjin said eating his burger.

I huffed loud and shove my burger in my mouth and grab my beer and gulp it down in seconds I wipe my mouth and crack open the other beer.

"Guys I think something is wrong with me?" I said playing with my beer bottle.

"What's happened you get suspended for having sex in the library again?" Namjoon said drinking his beer.

"No much worse," I said finishing my second beer they raised their eyebrows.

"I think I like someone.." I mumbled I hear Namjoon choke on his beer and Seokjin gasped dramatically.

"Wait..you Park Jimin have a crush?" Seokjin said baffled.

"Well crush is a big word it's more like I'm curious about him" I spoke.

"But you said you liked him?" Namjoon said I scoffed.

"I said I think I do" I spoke

"Okay, who is this lucky boy?" Seokjin said causally.

"Yoongi...even his name is cute" I mumbled

"Wait Min Yoongi?" Namjoon said my eyes widen.

"Yes, do you know him?" I said he chuckled

"Yeah he is one of my brothers best friends," he said

"What? How I've never seen him before?" I said

"Jimin you and He have been at my house at the same time before," Namjoon said

"What? How come I've never seen him before" I huffed crossing my arms.

"Well for starters you never show up for class also Yoongi is very shy Taehyung told me he was scared to approach you also you always seem to busy sucking face with others to look his way" Namjoon said

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