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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




Seeing Ms. Hawkins' desk explode first thing in the morning was an eye opening experience for Suzie Elliot. It was Thursday, in the second week of school, and for a first grader, an exploding desk is definitely a cause for excitement. Ms. Hawkins screamed as she was enveloped in tiny circular pieces of paper, and as they settled to the floor she collapsed heavily in her strained desk chair while giggles swept through the children in the room. Ms. Hawkins was not a small teacher, in fact she was larger than everyone in school except the PE teacher, and as she rose back out of the chair her face was purple with rage, and she seemed to swell to double her size. The sight was truly astounding.

"Who did that?!" she bellowed.

Suzie was shocked at the change in her usually mild mannered teacher, and wisely kept her mouth shut. Actually, all of the other children did the same and the entire room stilled of the laughter immediately. Nobody even dared to breathe.

Ms. Hawkins stomped over to the three-hole punch, and her eyes narrowed as she picked up a piece of paper riddled with holes. Just visible was a red F in a circle written in lurid red ink. The name on the test was Johnny Baker.

Whirling faster than any of the children had seen, the giant, purple, Ms. Hawkins marched over to Johnny's desk, gripped his arm and marched him right out the door. Suzie had a momentary glimpse of his stunned expression as he was dragged towards the principal's office.

First grade might just be a little more fun than she thought after all.

Johnny had been a bully ever since the first week of school, constantly poking and elbowing all of the girls in the class when any nearby teachers weren't around. He had a very sneaky manner that allowed him to stick his feet out into aisles as girls walked past with their lunch trays, and would occasionally put used gum in their cafeteria seats. Nothing could ever be proven to a teacher, but the girls all knew who was responsible. Johnny made sure they knew it was him by the smirks he gave them after the teacher walked away from whatever malady had occurred. Suzie had been a constant target, as she was the smallest girl in class. She was so tiny that people thought she was still in kindergarten, or worse in pre-k, until she set them straight.

It had been too easy to get the failed benchmark test from Johnny's desk. The students were supposed to take them home for parents to sign, but Johnny had simply stuffed his in his desk where he hoped it would never be seen by his parents. At the end of the previous school day Suzie left her backpack in class, and then had a perfect excuse to run back and get it. She also took the liberty of taking Johnny's test out and brought that back to her house as well.

Punching holes in the paper was even easier, she just made sure to leave the red F and the name visible to identify the culprit, and then poured the little circles out of the three-hole punch and into a sandwich baggie. She put a big red rubber band, a small rectangular piece of cardboard and two black binder clips in another sandwich bag, and then packed them all into her backpack.

The morning of the explosion, Suzie had her nanny drop her off early; explaining that she needed to do some testing on the class computer that she hadn't finished the previous day. It took only minutes to put the two binder clips in Ms. Chamber's desk drawer on opposite sides of the pencil tray. The rubber band was strung between them, with the cardboard taped in the middle of the rubber band, poised over the tray. Suzie pushed all the pens and pencils messily into the drawer and then wound the cardboard up like a paddlewheel. Once it was nice and tight, she added the little pieces of paper as ammunition, and gently closed the drawer, making sure the top of the drawer prevented the cardboard paddle from spinning until the drawer was opened. When the cardboard unwound, it made a sound not unlike a child blowing a nice, juicy raspberry.

It was a very childish prank, just the kind a young boy would do to the teacher that gave him an F. But if Johnny didn't stop picking on the girls in class, Suzie could easily do more things to get him blamed for, until he ended up expelled if need be. Nobody messed with Suzie Elliot.

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