Chapter 2- Savior

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author- i'm just gonna make random photos as the chapter covers lmao

I headed to work like always. Uraraka texted me that she was calling in sick, so I offered to come to her house and bring her some soup, but she refused. Not that I expected her to say yes though, after all I'm just her coworker. We never really talked too much outside of work, and her and Iida were really close. I was sort of a third wheel, but it doesn't bother me too much.

I checked the clock as I arrived at work. Perfect- 8:30 on the dot! I have 30 minutes to clean and prepare everything before I have to open up shop. It's been two days since Todoroki came in... I wonder if he's feeling any better now.

Shaking the thoughts out of my head, I flipped the sign from CLOSED to OPEN and turned on some light music. Today was Monday, so not a lot of people came in since most of them were at work. The ones who did decide to stop by were mainly teenagers who either skipped class to hang out or did their homework by the windows. Right now though, there was no one at all.

I watched outside for a while, hoping I would see Todoroki. It's so weird... why am I so concerned? He probably thinks I'm annoying. My thoughts were interrupted as the door jingled, signifying the arrival of another customer. I turned to the door and smiled like always.

"Welcome! How..."
My voice trailed off. Some greasy man with moss green hair stumbled in. His cheeks were red and his movements were wobbly. He got up close to the cashier and leaned towards me with a crooked smile. I backed away from him, crinkling my nose a bit. He reeked of smoke and I could smell the liquor in his breath. What was he doing drunk this early in the morning?

"Hey there princess..." he slurred. Princess? I'm a guy!

"S-sir, are you alright?" I asked nervously. He didn't respond, but instead his gaze shifted from me to the cashier register. All of a sudden, he started walking around the counter. He pushed open the small door which was about hip-level and invited himself in. Panic and anxiety formed a pit in my stomach.

"Sir! Y-you aren't allowed back here!" I tried standing in his way to block him from touching anything. His hazy eyes laid on me, but it's almost like they were looking past me instead of at me. "Sir?"

I don't think he can hear me. I turned around to grab my phone. I need to call the police before he does someth-

I felt a hand on my wrist, and suddenly I was jerked backwards as the man yanked me to the floor. He started heading towards the cashier register.

I quickly scrambled to my feet and stood between him and the register.
"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to leave right now!" I said sternly. I tried my best to sound tough, but my voice was shaking. His brows furrowed together and he mumbled something under his breath.

I slowly went closer to him, trying to see if he's ok. I gently laid my hand on his arm.
"Sir? Can you hear me? Do you need help?"
"I... I want..." he muttered.
"U-um, you'll have to speak up a little," I said. What's wrong with him? He leaned in closer to me and he grabbed my arm.

I gasped and started tugging on his arm, trying to pry it off me.
"Stop! L-let me go!"
"GIVE ME THE KEYS! NOW!!" he shouted. Now I was terrified.
"Wh- what keys?!"
He cursed under his breath. "Or even better, I'll just have to search you for it instead..." he said. A wide grin spread across his face as he flicked his other hand in an upwards motion. I didn't realize what he was doing until I felt something by my legs.

I slowly looked down in horror. Some sort of green goo came up from the ground, wrapping around my ankles and wrists.
"What... what's happening?!" I cried. I felt my feet leave the ground as he lifted me in the air with the goo. Is this his quirk?

He cackled and moved his hand to the left in another sharp movement. The slime tightened around my limbs. More tentacles of goo came up and circled around me, swirling around my arms. The ones holding my ankles started slithering up my leg, making its way to my thighs.

I squirmed and cried out, trying anything I could to get free. He just laughed at my futile efforts and continued fondling me with this weird... sludge. I whimpered as he started getting closer. He reached up and cupped my face in his hands.
"Put me down!" I protested. He pouted in a sarcastic way and brought his face closer to mine.
"Aww, did I make you mad?" he mocked, sliding a hand up my shirt. I shivered at his touch and warm tears started rolling down my cheeks. 'No... please...' I thought, closing my eyes in defeat. I couldn't watch anymore of this.


My eyes snapped wide open. That noise... another person just walked in! I opened my mouth to scream for help, but the goo quickly swirled around my head, covering my mouth and eyes and preventing me from saying or seeing anything.

I heard the man scream in pain, and the room fell silent. A piercing cold engulfed the room as if a blizzard just came indoors. The only things I could hear were small whimpers and the sound of footsteps getting closer to me. What's going on?

"Let him go."
That voice sounds familiar... but where have I heard it? Was it Iida? No, his voice is different, it's not as stern. Unexpectedly, the goo holding me captive slowly loosened. It released my arms and legs and uncovered my mouth. This was great and all, but since it was holding me in the air, I was about to come crashing down. I yelped and prepared to land on the hard floor, but it never came.

Instead, a pair of strong arms caught me. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up... to see a pair of grey and blue eyes staring back down at me. I let out a small gasp and my eyes widened at the sight before me.

"T-Todoroki?" I breathed out. He's back... It's really him!
"You... remembered my name?" he said.
Although he maintained his poker face, his eyes seemed to have a hint of shock.

"Of course! But u-um, could you please put me down now?" I asked awkwardly. A small tint of pink faded into the tips of his ears and he quickly put me down. I turned to the man who harassed me, and he was covered in ice from head to toe.
Not just that... the floor and counter were both completely frozen over with spikes of ice jutting out in different directions.

"Is t-this your power?" I asked, panning the room in amazement. It seemed like such a strong quirk... and he controlled it with almost no difficulty at all!
He pivoted on his foot and turned to leave.

Anxiety crept up as I watched him go. I didn't want him to leave, not again. I wanted to know more about him, what he likes, how his quirk works, why he's so quiet... everything.
"Wait!" I spoke before I even realized. He turned back to me.

I ran to him and threw my arms around him. He let out a small grunt, but I just squeezed him as tight as my arms would let me, smiling as I embraced him. He became stiff as a board and his arms were glued to his sides. My heart did backflips and I felt a warm feeling inside my chest. I wanted to cherish this feeling. I wanted to put it in a bottle and keep it with me wherever I went.

"Thank you... thank you so, so much!"
"M-Mhm," he hummed.

I eventually pulled away and looked up at him with wide eyes. He seemed petrified, like he just saw a ghost. His expression was only slightly different from his usual bored one, but now his ears were completely red and his cheeks were a bright pink. I gave him a warm and genuine smile and bowed to him.

"Please," I started. "Tell me... is there any way I can repay you? I'll do anything!"
He raised his eyebrows just a little. "Anything?"
I nodded vigorously. "Anything! You saved my life, after all!" I saw a small hint of mischief in his eye, but it disappeared as soon as it came.

Suddenly his hand swiftly moved to my neck, and I felt a sharp pain. I let out a small gasp and started to reach my hand up to the area that was stinging, but my body started feeling so... tired. My hand dropped back down and fell limp to my side. 'Huh? Why can't I lift my arm anymore?'
My knees slowly gave out and I slumped forward onto his chest. He slipped his arms under my shoulders and held me by my upper back.
"Todo... roki... what... what did you..." My voice trailed off and my eyelids became heavy. I tried my best to hang onto consciousness, but it was no use. I slowly closed my eyes as the rest of my body went numb.

Everything went black.

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