Chapter 9- Who deserves love?

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"One strawberry and one matcha flavor in a cone, please," I said, handing the cash to the man. He handed me the ice creams and I made my way back over to Todoroki.

The ice cream stand was a little farther than I thought. Everyone looked like mini dolls from here, but I can still sort of see Todoroki's head. The beach was way less busy now since the sun was starting to go down, so besides us, there were only about 20 other people on the beach.
Just as I was walking, someone stood in front of me.

"Oh- excuse me, sir!" I said. I moved to the side to go around him, but he moved to the side as well. "Uh... excuse me?" I tried again.

I looked up at him and a shiver ran down my spine. He had piercing blue eyes, the same as Todoroki's left one. Black, spiky hair jutted out in different directions, and there were scars underneath his eyes and mouth all the way down to his neck. He was tall- about Todoroki's height.

He reached up to my face and traced my lips with his fingers. What the heck is with him?

"Please don't touch me," I said, backing away.
"Aww, c'mon. Cut some slack for Shoto's older brother, kay? Besides, I'm just here cause of the boss's orders," he said with a deep voice.
He's Todoroki's older brother? Him? And who's 'the boss'?

I bowed slightly, still holding the two cones in my hands. "S-Sorry, I had no idea. I have to get going though, I d-don't want these to melt!" I tried saying with a cheerful tone.

This man was making me feel way too uneasy for my comfort. I began to walk past him, but he grabbed my arm.
"Leaving already? Why don't we chat a little first?" he offered.
Something's not right. I tugged, trying to release his grip on me.

"I h-have to get back, um... I d-don't want t-to worry them..."
"Fine then. I'll just walk you there." He draped his heavy arm around my shoulders, almost making me lose my balance. We both walked towards the beach, but his pace was slow as if he were trying to buy time. His hand slowly started moving from my shoulder down... down to my waist.

"S-So what did you want to talk about?" I said nervously. He sighed.
"Say... what do you think about love?" he asked out of the blue.
"L-Love? What about it?" 
His hand continued to rest on my waist as we walked, getting closer and closer to the beach.
Suddenly, he leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Who do you think deserves love?"

I jumped in surprise.
"W-What do you... I think e-everyone does..." I said, my voice quivering. His hand slowly made its way under my shirt, slithering up my bare skin. A shaky breath left my slightly parted lips, and I squirmed in discomfort.
"Even the ones... who kill?" he whispered.

My whole body froze and I gulped. A wide grin plastered on his face which was right beside mine. He had his arms wrapped around me from behind, and I stood there, helpless. His fingers spread out on my bare stomach, sending a shiver down my spine.
"K-Kill... kill w-who?" I asked. I felt like I was about to throw up. I'm scared. I'm nervous. I don't like this.

"Heh. Maybe you're too innocent for this topic. You look like you're about to pass out just talking about it," he said. He's nothing like Todoroki... he's almost the complete opposite. He's forceful, dark, cunning, and talkative.

He pushed me forward and I kept walking. We walked until we got to the sand, and he took a deep breath in. Todoroki, still sitting by the edge of the water, turned around at the sound. His eyes laid on me, then slowly shifted to the hand on my waist. His eyes went wide and he immediately stood up, his fists tightening at his sides.

"Midoriya, get away from him right now!" he shouted. It startled me a little since I've never heard him raise his voice.

"Ahh, look who it is folks! The prince in shining armor has made his way to save his little princess," he taunted, running his hand through my hair. People turned in our direction and stared.

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