Chapter 14: Tension

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i feel like this chapter is confusing help idk what to fix but i keep rereading it

The few next mornings, Midoriya woke up and went back to his usual routine. Putting on his clothes was much more of a struggle, but he eventually got it on.

It's been a week since the trip and his arm is healing just right. He no longer needed the sling, but the cast on his forearm was still necessary.
author- just pretend mido has hella fast healing for some reason ok 😭
He opened the curtains and poured a hot cup of coffee like usual. Todoroki was already awake, but still as drowsy as ever.

"Here," he smiled, holding out the warm cup. "This should wake you up."
"Mmph," he grunted. He downed the coffee and sat on the edge of the bed while Midoriya helped him into his suit like always, then checked the agenda.
"You have a party scheduled 4 days from now," Midoriya said, tapping his pen on the tablet.
"Hm. Who's the host?"
"The... Yaoyorozu family."
Midoriya switched off the tablet and set it down.

"Don't you go and overwork yourself again today, okay? You have me for a reason, so don't hesitate to ask," he said.
Todoroki nodded. Just as he was about to respond, the phone rang.

"I'll get it," Midoriya said. He made his way to the phone and answered.
"Hello! This is-"

"Ahhh, what a pleasant surprise," a voice crackled over the speaker.
"Uh... w-who is this?" he asked. There was a long pause over the phone. "Hello? Are you still there?"

"I go by Shigaraki," the voice rasped. "It's only fitting that you know my name before we... meet."
Midoriya fidgeted. The voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and each word had a hint of aggression in them. It made him feel uneasy.
And why was he saying they'd meet? He's never seen or known this person before. Did he mean the upcoming party?

"Oh! I'm assuming you'll be at the party then, Mr. uh... Mr. Shi- Shigaraki?" he said, trying to keep his voice cheerful.
The second those words left his mouth, the room suddenly went cold. Midoriya shivered and glanced at Todoroki.

All of a sudden, he stood up and swiftly walked towards Midoriya, his shoes loudly thudding on the floor. Midoriya quickly muted the call.
"I-Is something wrong?" he asked nervously. Todoroki was furious. He didn't have to say a word to let him know. It shown in his eyes.

The closer he got to Midoriya, the colder the room got.
"Give me the phone. Now."
Midoriya quickly handed it over without hesitation. Todoroki snatched it and turned on his heel, slamming the door behind him as he went out. Midoriya blinked in shock.

Todoroki took in a deep breath before putting the phone up to his ear.
"What?" he snapped.
"I'd watch my tone if I were you," the voice hissed.
He sighed and narrowed his eyes.
"What do you want?"

"You know what we want."

Todoroki's jaw clenched.
"Don't you dare lay a finger on him," he growled. "He's done nothing wr-"

"I think," the voice interrupted. "We have some information you would find interesting."
There was a short silence.
"What do you know of the boy's past?"
Todoroki couldn't respond. Now that he's thought about it, Midoriya never spoke about his childhood, or really himself for that matter. As for Midoriya, the day he brought him here, he had basically completely opened up.

It wasn't like him at all. He always tried to stay quiet- closed off from everyone else. But, at that moment, he was too emotional to think straight. That's when he told Midoriya everything.

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