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Smut has entered the chat.

Chapter Twelve

"What the hell is taking them so long?"

Rannia entered the Amir residence with reluctance. The moment she breathed their air, she was immediately dosed in a thick pool of stress and worry.

"I knew we shouldn't have sent Jared, that idiot—"

"Amelia—shh, Rannia's—"

Rannia poked her head into the living room, slowly sliding her heavy bag off her shoulders, pushing it out of view with her foot. Her eyes scanned the room, noting each tired face, each worried wrinkle, and each clenched fist.

"I bought chips." 

She weakly lifted the small bag she'd snagged at a convenience store and tossed it to Carter. Poor boy looked like his grandfather died. Ha, no. But his brother did.

Mykel was sat at the head of the dining room table, eyes glaring blankly at the space before him. He raked a frustrated hand through his hair, lips parted as he groaned.

"Carter, take your girlfriend away."

"Mykel—d-don't speak to her like that," Carter replied weakly, rising to his feet as his fingers clenched around the bag of chips in his hands.

Mykel ignored his brother's words, fingers clenching and unclenching, veins protruding angrily from his neck.


Losing his words, Carter lowered his eyes and walked towards Rannia. He snagged her hand and dragged her down to their room.

"I never liked dealing with the family business, anyways." He offered her a sad smile, looking entirely sweet and sincere. But the smile did not hide the stress pinching his brows together. "C'mon, you look tired. I'll get you a bath ready."

"You okay?" Rannia asked. When he turned to ignore her question, she tugged him inside their room for a moment. She closed the door with her foot and directed his eyes towards her. He looked like a mess.

Something pulled in her gut.

Were they really that worried about Jared? Sure, the bastard was dead, but he wasn't even home that much. He was as much as a stranger as her. Maybe more. They wouldn't care. They wouldn't.

Carter squeezed her fingers reassuringly, though his distraught face look anything but.

"Remember when I said I stay out of their business? This is why. It can get stressful, and I don't want that...for...for us." He looked down at their intertwined hands. "I'm sorry."

"Sorry I got back late," Rannia said, avoiding a heartfelt confession of love or whatever. She'd given him enough of those already.

His lips pulled up into a small smile. He lifted the bag of chips.

"All good. You got me chips."

Rannia couldn't resist her snort. She dropped his hands and pushed him back out into the hallway. "Get me that bath, dork."

Carter laughed quietly, heading out to do her bidding.

He was sweet. Too sweet.

Rannia pursed her lips and leaned against the wall. She closed her eyes and observed her state, both metal and physical. She was fine, really. A few weird nauseous feelings in her stomach, and...and...

She darted away from the wall, eyes glaring at the floor.

She had been smiling. At Carter.

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