Venom (Rewritten)

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(In this Tony is Peter's biological father)

Trigger WARNING: Puking (mentions food), Seizing, Hospitals

Peter breathed heavily as his feet hit the pavement in quick succession. His shoulders slumped in relief as he spotted the bright tape surrounding the freshly discovered crime scene. He could already see the chief standing over the body with his normal pinched expression, and Peter could tell from the rapid tapping of his foot that he was surely going to receive a lecture upon sight.  

Peter paced quickly towards him and greeted him with a wide smile. "Hey, Chief!" He gave him a nervous wave. 

"Don't 'hey Chief' me, young man! You're late." Peter held back a groan.  "I can't even count the number of times you've been late. If you weren't the best at your job then I would have fired you by now for your lack of professionalism. Now, what's your excuse?" 

Peter knew he couldn't tell the Chief the real reason why he was late seeing as it involved Thor and a toaster exploding (which was preceded by a fire that caused Peter to wonder why the entire team was incapable of using a fire extinguisher). 

"My best friend's dog got stuck in the doggy door and so I had to bring him some butter to try to get him out." The Chief turned to look at him with a scathing glare. "Spock could have died. It was a dire situation that needed my immediate attention."

"Just make an assessment of the crime scene and then get out of my sight."

"Yes sir," Peter muttered nervously as he quickly went to the other side of the crime scene to start his assessment as far from the Chief as physically possible. 

Several minutes later he approached the circle of detectives conversing with the chief. He tucked his briefcase under his arm as they turned to look at him. 

"There's a total of six bodies. All are males between the ages of 22-36. According to the technical analyst there are no racial or religious correlation neither is there any similarities in their backgrounds or fields of work. The coroner is running a test for possible toxins in their bloodstream due to the fact that there were few signs of struggle on two of the victims. There are one set of footprints leading away from the scene. I checked the cameras but the unsub was covered in some sort of unidentifiable black slime. So far there hasn't been any found at the scene." He turned to the Chief and raised his eyebrows questioningly. 

"Good work Parker. Now I don't want to see you again for the rest of the day. When I call you next I expect you to be punctual and professional." The detectives surrounding him let out low chuckles. Peter gave them all a quick salute before sprinting away before he could make things worse for himself. If only he'd stopped to notice the black sludge creeping its way up his leg. If only he'd noticed the thing that would change his life drastically and that would cause him to never be the same. 

He walked into the common room to see a four-person wrestling match happening on top of the rug next to the coffee table they had just broken. He sighed and shook his head and walked past them without shooting them another glance. He opened the fridge and looked around before grabbing out a leftover piece of pizza and shoving it into his mouth while opening a soda with the other hand. He slammed the door closed with his foot but as he went to swallow a bite of the pizza he suddenly felt a wave of nausea sweep over him. He raced over to the trash can as he began to gag and everything he'd eaten that morning came back up again. He heaved for a few more moments before he felt a hand begin to rub his back and pull his bags away from his face. 

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