Why Did I Pick Dare?!

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Peter sat in a circle with a group of kids from his academic team. They had all gotten together per request of Cindy. She said they needed to have some team bonding. Of course, when they had arrived Flash insisted they play truth or dare. (Probably because he wanted to make Peter do or say something embarrassing.)

First up was MJ. "Dare," she said confidently. Cindy smirked at her devilishly. 

"I dare you to wear pink to school tomorrow. Hot pink." MJ's confident expression fell. She glared at Cindy as she nodded. 

"Abraham, truth or dare?"


"Most embarrassing thing you've ever done at school?"

"Accidently fell and dropped my tray and it flew and hit the principal." We all burst out laughing and his face turned the color of a tomato. That just caused us to laugh harder. 

"Peter, truth or dare?" Peter pondered the question for a moment before answering. 

"Dare?" Abraham sat thinking of a response before all of a sudden his face turned into a devious smirk. 

"I dare you to pretend to date Flash for the next three days. Even in front of your families. That means you have to be nice to each other." Peter and Flash's faces turned paler than a ghost as he spoke. 'How was Peter going to be nice to Flash for three days?'

I will be making a part two of this very soon. The chapter I posted earlier was awful. Please forgive me. 

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