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 Your P.O.V~

        I awoke the next morning in a daze. "I can't believe I slept so long" I thought as I got out of bed.I glanced at the clock and sighed in relief 6:00 a.m. I walked into the kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk and grabbed some poptarts from the cabinet. I turned the t.v. on and began mindlessly flipping through channels as I ate my poptarts. After finishing my breakfast I took a quick shower, threw on some clothes and started walking to DWMA. I felt well rested and ready for the day as the sun glared down at me with those devilish eyes. The academy came into view and I smiled as several other students were entering the building. I spotted Blackstar with a tall girl that had dark black hair wrapped up in a ponytail. I notice the star patch on her left breast so I assume she is BlackStar's weapon. That's when it dawned on me that I didn't have a weapon. I face palmed and took off to the death room the notify Death of my problem. Before I knew it I ran into to someone and hit the back of my head on the hard floor. "Owww" I groaned as my vision blurred a bit. I saw the same white haired kid that I ran into before standing over me. "Watch where you're going" he muttered calmly. I regained my vision and sat up rubbing the back of my head. "Oh Soul don't be so rude" I heard a girl's voice say. "Why should I be? She was uncool yesterday" Soul hissed. I glanced towards the girl. She had dirty blonde hair and a long black trench coat on. "Sorry" I mumbled as I stood up. The girl just smiled and shook her head. "I'm Maka and I assume you have already met Soul" Maka said. Soul muttered something under his breath and stalked off. Maka gave me a don't worry about it look then ran after him. I sighed and then headed towards the death room.

        I approached Death feeling a bit more confident about talking to him now that I knew he wasn't as scary as I thought. "Uhmm...sir I forgot to tell you that I don't have a weapon" I spoke. Death turned around. "A meister without a weapon huh....well let's see what I can do for you" he smiled through his mask. He turned around and called someone on his mirror. I tried to look around him to see who it was but my efforts were futile so I just waited patiently. I heard someone walking behind me so I turned around to see who it was. A boy with dark chocolate brown hair and soft purple eyes was standing awkwardly in the entrance. Death turned around and spotted the boy. "Ahh welcome Dimitri." he greeted the boy. "{Y/N} I would like you to meet your weapon."

        "So you both need to adjust your soul wavelengths to match each others then you should transform so {Y/N} can see your weapon forms." Death directed the last part at Dimitri. Dimitri nodded and jumped up into the air and changed into a katana You caught him and looked at his blade. His face appeared on the blade. "I'm going to change into my other weapon now" he said. I nodded in response as his weapon form changed to a black pistol with white flames on both sides. "Holy shit this is badass" I said aloud. Dimitri appeared in the flames and smirked. Death clapped his hands together as Dimitri switched back into human form. "Okay you two have the same schedule now so both of you can go to class" he smiled. Dimitri and I headed out of the death room to Dr. Stein's class. I sat down at my desk as Dr. Stein was discussing what they would be dissecting tomorrow, My gaze traveled around the room until it landed on a familiar face... Death The Kid. He moved his head down quickly as if he had been staring at me and didn't want to be caught. I blushed a bit at the thought but then quickly returned my gaze to Dr. Stein when I heard my name called out. "Aren't you going to come down here {Y/N}" he asked seemingly annoyed. I noticed Maka, Soul and Dimitri standing next to him. I turned red from embarrassment and walked down to be with the group. "Okay class since {Y/N} is a new student I've decided to put her in a fight agaisnt Maka and Soul so we may evaluate and observe {Y/N's} fighting skills. My eyes widened as he announced his idea. I heard Soul laughing "I can't wait to kick your ass" he smirked as he changed into his weapon form. I gulped and held my hand out for Dimitri. "Pistol or katana" Dimitri asked. "........Huh"" I replied numbly. "I said pistol or katana" he repeated himself. "P..ppistol" I stuttered. Dimitri turned into the pistol which I held with shaky hands. "Oh I'm so fucked" I thought as I waited for Dr. Stein's signal to go.

        Stein nodded his headand the fight began. Maka launched herself at me with Soul in her hand. I jumped out of her way barely dodging her attack. I watched as Maka quickly retaliated and came charging at me once again. I rolled out of her way as Soul came crashing down just inches from where I was before. "What the hell! Are you trying to kill me" I gasped aloud. Maka didn't answer as she continuously attacked me over and over again. "Just shoot her already" Dimitri hissed. I had completely forgotten that I even had him in my hand. I took his advice and shot at Maka with the pistol. My mouth dropped open when she dodged it using Soul. "Dimitri...what the hell do I do now" I asked him panicking.

Kid's P.O.V~

        I watched as {Y/N} struggled in her fight agaisnt Soul and Maka. "Why is she acting like she has never fought before...surely my father wanted her to join the academy for a reason...something isn't adding up" I thought to myself as I watched {Y/N} closely.

Your P.O.V~

        Sweat trickled down my face as I dodged Maka's attacks. I could feel myself getting weaker by the minute. "How long will this go on...till I collapse..or die" I thought to myself. Maka brought Soul down on me and in survival instincts I held Dimitri in front of me to block him. To my amazement Soul was blocked by Dimitri's small pistol form. But I was weak and Maka slammed me against the hard cold wall. I yelped in pain as the world around me turned black...I lost....I failed.

    *I do not own any Soul Eater character mentioned in this fanfiction.*

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