Dr. Stein's Lab Rat

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Your P.O.V~

        I awoke lying in the infirmary...again. I tired to sit up but I felt pain rage through my stomach so I laid back down. I heard a soft snore and looked next to me and saw Kid fast asleep. I smiled. "He stayed here with me all day" I thought happily. I saw a glass of water on my bedside table and realized how dry my throat was. I reached out for the cup of water but I couldn't reach it. I pushed myself forward a bit but pain shot through my stomach again. Just as I was about ready to give up I saw a stitched hand grab it and hand it to me. "Thank's Dr. Stein" I whispered as I gulped down the water. Dr. Stein smiled. "Your going to recover {Y/N} but you just barely made it. If it wasn't for Kid rushing to get here you would be dead. Shit you were already near death when you got here...if he had just been a few seconds late.." Dr. Stein paused. I looked at Kid and felt tears well up in my eyes...I don't know why. I looked back at Stein. "I owe you both..I can't thank you enough" I whispered careful not awaken Kid. "{Y/N}...Kid told me your eyes changed color" Stein said. I froze up..."Yeah..he's told me that a few times now" I muttered. "I..I would like to study you" Stein added. I froze and looked up at him in horror. He saw my face and quickly added "No I don't mean dissecting you I mean I want to study your behaviors and how you react to certain things". "Yeah..Kid's doing the same thing" I sighed looking down. "I'm such a freak" I thought sadly. "You're healing quite quickly...faster than any normal human would.." Stein muttered. I looked up at him curiously. "{Y/N} would you do me a favor and follow me to my lab..I promise I won't hurt you besides by the time we get there you'll be healed up completely at the rate your wound is scarring"  Stein added. I nodded and crawled out of bed. It didn't even hurt.. I looked at Kid and when Stein walked out of the room and walked over to him and kissed him softly on the cheek. "Thank you Kid" I whispered before walking out of the infirmary to follow Stein.

        I sat on a soft stitched up couch and waited for Stein to come back. His entire house was stitched everywhere. He really does experiment on everything. Stein came back out and motioned for me to follow him. "I've set up a special obstacle course for you to go through." Stein explained. I nodded. "Sounds easy enough" I shrugged. "Yeah but you're going to be blind folded" Stein added. I paused for a moment..."Why" I asked confused. "That's for me to know and you to figure out" Stein muttered. He handed me a black blindfold and I sighed as I put it on. "Okay {Y/N} your senses and imagination is what's important right now. No matter what don't take that blindfold off" Stein called out. I nodded. At first it was silent then I heard the sound of a low growl..."Oh shit a fucking Kishin did he really fucking bring in a kishin" I thought as I moved around. The sound was coming on my left side so I punched and felt my fist hit something hard. I had my target now. I kept kicking and punching the beast. It soon fell to the ground with a thud. I sighed. "This is stupid" I thought sulkily. I then heard something else...."I'll kill your little Kid friend"...It was Scorpious's voice...Stein brought Scorpious here...I have to..no he told me not to take my blindfold off....I clenched my fists in anger and ran towards his voice. I punched and kicked but hit nothing. I felt arms wrap around me and I elbowed the person behind me in the ribs. "You bastard LEAVE KID ALONE" I hissed angrily. I felt myself go numb and I could only see red. I felt my fists pound down on something and I didn't stop. A loud cackle erupted from my throat as I continued to beat the hell out of Scorpious. Or so I thought..

        I felt  myself being pinned down and soon my vision was back. My blindfold was off. "I didn't notice it came off" I thought. Stein was holding me down and looking at me curiously. "Your eyes aren't black anymore" he muttered getting up. "Huh..so my eyes did turn black..wait how did you know I had a blindfold on" I asked. "Simple, I took the blindfold off while you were fighting me" Stein answered. "Wait if you took my blindfold off why didn't I notice till now" I asked. "Because when your eyes turn black you black out and lose the memory of what you did" Stein explained. "Damn...wait...where's Scorpious and the kishin" I asked looking around. "Oh..they were just in your imagination" Stein laughed. I felt myself grow hot.."But...but Kid" I mumbled.  As if he heard me Kid burst into the room with Liz and Patty in his hands. "Let her go Stein or I'll murder you" he hissed murderously. Stein took a step back and put his hands up. "I'm not dissecting her..you know I lost my madness long ago" Stein said calmly. Kid lowered his pistols a little bit but not all the way. He looked at me then back at Stein. "Then why is she here" he asked demanding answers. Stein opened his mouth to speak but I answered for him. "I chose to come here..Stein only wanted to study why my eyes turned black" I said. Kid seemed to calm down a bit as he lowered Liz and Patty all the way. "Okay then...did you figure anything out" Kid asked looking at Stein. "I can't make any conclusions yet. I need to research a few things then I'll give answers." Stein said. Kid nodded and walked over to me. "Can she come home" Kid asked Stein. Stein nodded and waved his hand to dismiss us. Kid grabbed my hand and led me out of Stein's laboratory.

Kid P.O.V~

        Once we were out of sight and pulled {Y/N} in a tight hug not letting go. I felt {Y/N} hug me back and bury her head in my chest. I smiled and moved my finger underneath her chin to make her look at me. I looked into her beautiful {E/C} eyes. They shined in the moonlight. I closed my eyes and leaned in closer to her. I felt my lips brush up against hers and her warm breath seize as they did so. I broke the gap and kissed her, softly at first but then it became passionate. After what only felt like seconds we pulled away from each other. I looked down at {Y/N}. "I love you" I whispered to her softly. {Y/N}'s eyes widened but I heard her answer. "I love you too Kid". I smiled and pulled her close to me. "You're mine now" I told her. I felt her nod in response. I felt {Y/N" go weak in my arms and hear her breathing calm. She had fallen asleep in my arms. I smiled and put her on my back then summoned Beezlebub and flew her home...to my manor. Liz and Patty changed into human forms when we arrived and smiled at me before they scurried off to bed. I knew I'd here from them in the morning but I didn't really care at that moment. I carried {Y/N} to her room and tucked her in her bed. I smiled and kissed her forehead before walking out of her room and closing her door softly behind me. I was so happy...{Y/N} was mine now.

*I do not own any Soul Eater characters mentioned in this fanfiction*

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