Some fluff because we need it

59 3 8

This is fine
9:42 AM

SmolBF: Hey has anyone seen Kyusho?
Nao: >:0
SmolBF: Hiko chill I'm just looking for him so he can help with my history work.

Nao changed his name to Hiko

Iori: Hey I know where he is!
Iori: He's

Iori has gone offline

Hitomi: Can someone explain why Kyusho, who was being held by the waist by Shu, popped out of the vents, grabbed Iori, and pulled him up into the vents???

Sakumi: Huh that's wei

Sakumi has gone offline

Shu: Y'all better watch your backs
Kyusho: :)
Otoha: What in the actual fu

Otoha has gone offline

Haru: No one is safe

Reika has gone offline

Minoru: Reika just went "Oh this is happening now"
Hiko: Has anyone else noticed how close Kyusho and Shu have been?
Ayuna: Yeah! It's like they're dati

Ayuna has gone offline

Kyusho: S h u s h
Hiko: T H E Y  D I D N T  D E N Y  I

Hiko has gone offline
Shu: S H U S H
MegumiWright: You two
MegumiWright: Stop it
MegumiWright: You're scaring me
Kyusho: :)
Shu: :)

MegumiWright has gone offline

Luna: They can't take us all if we're in there!
Minoru: Y'all calm dow

Minoru has gone offline

Haru: N O  O N E  I S  S A F E
Hitomi: Dont worry guys! I'll protect u

Hitomi has gone offline


Luna has gone offline

Haru: Back to back! They can't get us like that!

(Writing time now weeeeee-)

Haru and Toru stood in the dining hall, their backs facing each other. Without a moment to spare, Kyusho popped out of the vents, being held by his waist by Shu. "We can either do this the easy way, or the hard way." Kyusho stated, a grin on his face.
"Hard way it is then!" Haru grabbed Toru's arm and they started running, hearing metal clank noises growing closer and closer from behind them.
"Faster!" Toru yelled, pushing Haru forward. They weren't prepared for the sudden weight, so they tripped and fell, taking Toru with them.


Within a moment, Toru and Haru were dragged through the vents and dropped down in the common room.
"Heya." Keiji waved, looking like he's trying not to laugh. "What the hell's so funny?" Toru asked, getting up and brushing himself off. "I wasn't expecting it to be this entertaining to watch, that's what's funny. Hehe." Keiji let out a few chuckles, and it clicked.
"You were working with them?!" Megumi exclaimed, standing up from her seat. "Yep yep! He even had a couple things in his room for if the game took too long!" Iori giggled, all attention now turned towards him. "Were you working for them too?!" Otoha exclaimed, also getting up from her seat. "Nope! They just kidnapped me first since I overheard their conversation about the game!" Iori smiled.

"But, what would their ship name be?" Ayuna asked, making her voice purposefully loud enough for everyone in the room to hear her.
"Hmm...I dunno...Asachida? KyuShu?" Sakumi asked, humming a bit to herself.

"You guys do realize that the door was unlocked right?" Kyusho asked, now standing next to the doorway. "First thing I tried! I just wanted to see how the game would go!" Iori giggles again. "Y-You told us it was locked!" Megumi sputtered. "The door locks from the inside Megumi." Minoru stated, somehow still drinking coffee. Megumi stayed quiet after that.

(Back to the chat weeeee-)

PanGayAce Alliance
11:56 AM

Lavender: Honestly, that was fun.
AngeryGay: I wanna do it again!
DiscontentedMom: You two almost gave us a heart attack!
ChaoticBones: Ye but it was funny.
Deeeeeemons: Why were you working for those two anyway?
Lavender: Plan to get our minds off of everything that's happened so far.
ChaoticBones: It worked.
ChaoticBones: Speaking of which, I need to go see how Rin is doing. Can someone take notes for me?
DiscontentedMom: I'll do it.
ChaoticBones: Thanks.
Lavender: Be safe, alright?
ChaoticBones: I will.

ChaoticBones is offline
DiscontentedMom: Now, back to class.
Deeeeeemons: Aight mom

Deeeeeemons and 3 others are offline

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2021 ⏰

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