Noomber 4

74 5 2

2:35 AM

SmolBF: (whyismybfsogoddamncute.jpg)
MegumiWright: What are you doing up at this hour Toru?
SmolBF: I could be asking you the same thing, Megumi.
MegumiWright: Its nothing, just answer the question!
SmolBF: Just one of those nights where i cannot sleep for some godforsaken reason.
SmolBF: Are you sure that it's nothing keeping you awake, Megumi?
MegumiWright: Of course! Just try to sleep and just mind your own business!

MegumiWright has gone offline

SmolBF: Sus

SmolBF has gone offline

7:13 AM

Iori: Something feels wrong...
Shu: No shit sherlock.
Ayuna: Is it just me, or is Megumi acting weird. Especially around Keiji?
Yuuma: I don't really want to intervene with this...
Luna: Well, maybe intervening would resolve the situation.
Haru: Or it could make things worse.
Reika: Why tf are y'all awake
Shu: Stfu Reika we're busy

Kyusho has gone offline

Otoha: I have a feeling that detective knows something about this.
Sakumi: Maybe we could look through the security cameras?
Haru: Perfect!

Haru has added Chihiro Fujisaki to the chat

Haru: Ey Chihiro we need your help
Chihiro Fujisaki: Oh? Why do you want my help?
Otoha: We need to hack into the security cameras.
Chihiro Fujisaki: Oh...alright, but why?
Shu: Emergency. No time to explain.
Chihiro Fujisaki: Alright!
Haru: How long will this take you?
Chihiro Fujisaki: Check your laptop Haru!
Haru: Thanks.

Chihiro Fujisaki has been removed from the chat

Haru: Aight time to solve this mystery.

(What mystery will they uncover...?)
(Also I felt like writing angst)

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