Noomber 3

79 6 1

This is fine
7:12 AM

Iori: Good morning @everyone!

15 others are online

MegumiWright: Good morning Iori.
Luna: Morning.
Nao: Morning...
Haru: Y'all tired?
SmolBF: We played Overwatch all night and it was funny
Shu: For you maybe.
Ayuna: What happened?
Minoru: I can count how many times Shu had yelled "I NEED HEALING"
Sakumi: How many times?
Minoru: About 30 times.
Shu: I was interrupted on the 21st one though.
Haru: Why?
Otoha: I killed him and started crouching repeatedly on his corpse.
Nao: And I tried not to laugh at 3am while Shu was making demonic screeching noises.
Luna: ^
SmolBF: ^
Minoru: ^
Ayuna: Hah!

(Sorry this was so short I have no motivation-)

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