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Chapter Twenty-eight

Hazel's POV

It was as it fate wanted me to look like a dumbass. And I am being serious this time. How many times have I been so clueless and lost that I end up causing trouble? A dozen. And this is what is happening to me now. Forgetting a childhood friend is like forgetting that Wednesdays are American Horror Story nights, not Thursday nights; it gets to you. Even when your childhood friend changed, literally.

Natalia was a friend that I always thought was my twin. We both had black hair, tan skin, and different colored eyes. Until I turned 11 and my hair and skin changed except for Natalia. She stayed the same except for the major breast job and Megan Fox look. She doesn't look like the childhood friend I was with almost my whole life, she looks beyond that girl now.

A stray of black hair falls to the front of her face and bounces a little. A small smirk forms on her flawless pale face. Not one wrinkle was shown on her or pimple. It makes me wonder just how did she end up like this.

"Well, it took you long enough to remember me." Natalia's voice was velvet with a touch of playfulness. I didn't reply, I just stood here watching my old friend with every move.

"You look... different?" She scoffed lightly.

"I think we've gone past the word 'different' at this point, Haze," she says. She folds her arms across her chest, making her breasts push up a little, if that was even possible.

"Yeah well this is the only word I could think of about you." She tilts her head to one side, her smirk rising.

"What about hot? Sexy? Or totally fuckable?"

"I'm not gay, Natalia." She laughs and unfolds her arms. I don't know what is so funny about what I said and I certainly wouldn't call her anyone of those things now. Including the 'fuckable' one.

"Oh Haze, still the same cute, shy girl that would swear in front of people."

I raised an eyebrow at her curiously. "How do you know if you do curse? I have swore many times and I'm not afraid to say any of them to your face." She widens her eyes in amusement. The light shimmer of the white glistens under the harsh hallway lights.

"I'm impressed that you've changed your ways... but this is not why I am here."

I'm not really sure if I want to hear what she has to say, but for some reason I can't seem to turn around now. I've been trying to contact my wolf for a few minutes but she has not responded.

"I want to make a deal with you. Your pack surrenders to my pack and gives us all usable information that involves the Special Ones."

"What? T-That's so... why on earth would I surrender to you?"

"Because you have something I want and I need it. I want the Aurelius"

"Excuse me for interrupting but is that something me by any chance?" She laughs and shakes her head in disbelief.

"Funny, but no. God... you always were one to make a joke at times like this. It's no wonder my parents liked you..." A can of rabid butterflies fluttered around the pits of my organs and circled around my stomach. From what I knew, Natalia's parents died in a car accident 5 years ago. That night was also a night of a sleepover we had at my house.

She was so heartbroken when she found out by the police. They found her coming out of my house the next day and told her about it. I heard everything and she collapsed on the ground. She wasn't the same after that.

Natalia cleared her throat and straightened herself in her original pose. "Anyway, you have 48 hours to give it to me otherwise you will be watching everyone that you love burn... to death." She inched closer to my face with the most deadliest glare I have ever seen. The oxygen around me seemed to get stuffy, or unable to breathe.

She looks at me up and down before walking to the other direction. Her boots made soft noises against the white tiles. I let a large breath that I didn't realize I kept in. My heart was pound hard, I just hope it doesn't escape from my chest.

What did she mean by it, and why does she think that I have it? I haven't seen her in years,  and she decides to come to Woodmere High after almost 7 years and wants me to give her something I have no clue what it is. I sighed and leaned against a locker next to me. I'm almost at the level of 'New' but whenever someone says something to me that seem important years ago, I feel so dumb.

Suddenly, a light bulb appears, an idea. Maybe dad knows about Natalia and what she wants something from him than from me. Since he has lived longer than I have, maybe there are some things that he should know about whatever Natalia wants.

Before the school bell rang, I ran out of the school building. I passed by the cameras with my werewolf speed and shifted my body to my left towards the woods. I closed my eyes and imagined my wolf so that I could shift. In mere seconds, I was in my deep burgundy wolf. I sprinted through the woods towards my house.

The woods were so dark and gloomy at 10 in the morning. You would have to find an area in these woods that would have some ray of sunshine, but not here. My significant eyesight helped me through this dark woods. Hopefully my dad is home because this is obviously important.

My house came into view and I shifted back in human form. In a nearby tree, I pulled out a pair of clothes and threw them on me. I strided through the trees and passed by the guards outside.

I opened the back door and stormed up to my father's office. Some pack members have greeted me on my way there, but I didn't respond. I really wish I did because I felt bad for leaving them with a proper 'hello'.

I didn't have to knock on his door because I knew it would be unlocked. My father was sitting at his desk filling out a sheet of paper in front of him. The glasses he wore made a shine come from the glass, hiding his eyes from me. His head perked up and he dropped his pencil. I bet I look kind of flushed from running and walking so fast but I couldn't help it.

"I need answers. Now."


Well hello my lovely readers! It has been forever since I have updated on this story. I apologize, writers block hit me hard like a shovel at the back of my head. It was a major struggle to try and figure out what you guys would like to read because this story is for you and for me.

So this is my gift to you for my leave of absence. Chapter Twenty-Eight is pretty short but this is the best I could come up with.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter but do not forget to vote on this story!

Thank you for just being you

        - hurtbytheenvy

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