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(Skip Edward and Bella's wedding)
Amelia pov.
Edward and Bella have been on their honeymoon for a little while when Alice freaks and calls Bella. Then hands the phone to Carlisle. "They are coming back." Carlisle said "why what happened?" I ask "bella is sick." Carlisle said and I nod. "Oh I'll be right back." I say as my phone starts ringing.
"Hello?" I say once I'm outside "Amelia. I need your help." Bella said "what is it? Are you okay?" I ask "I'm pregnant. I know it sounds crazy but Amelia I know I'm pregnant." She said "okay what do I need to do?" I ask "I need you to support me. I know out of everyone there you and Rosalie will be on my side. I know Edward is going to want me to get rid of the baby but I won't." Bella said anxiety laced in her voice. "Bella calm down take a few breaths. I will help. I will be on your side and i will always support you. No one will hurt you or the baby I promise. If anyone tries anything they'll have hell to pay." I say and she takes a deep breath "thank you so much." She said "have a safe trip home I'll see you soon." I say "okay." She said and I hang up.
"Rose!" I call and a few seconds go by then she's next to me. "Yeah?" She asks "Bella needs our help." I say and she looks hesitant but nods "she pregnant and she wants to keep the baby but thinks Edward will make her get rid of the baby." I say and Rose growls lowly "no one will hurt that baby." She said "agreed." I say and we go back inside to wait for Edward and Bella.
Edward and Bella got back a few weeks ago and she's gotten fairly large. "I don't get why you two want her to go through with this. It's killing her." Edward said as Bella slept on the couch. "It's a baby! Just a little baby!" Rosalie said and I nod "the baby isn't the only reason I'm doing this. I'm doing this for Bella. She feels so strongly about having this baby. She loves this baby because it's not just her baby it's your baby too. She loves you so much and she loves this baby, you not wanting the baby is hurting her. She told me she doesn't understand why you hate it so much she thinks you love her less because of her Decision to keep it. Also when she called me asking for help I heard the fear and worry in her voice. It hurt me hearing her like that. She needs support and that's exactly what I'm going to give her. I haven't known her long but she is already a sister to me I see her the same as I see Bree. I'll always stand up for my sisters, ill always support them, and I'll always protect them." I say and when I'm done Edward doesn't say a thing he just looks down at his hands then gets up to leave the room.
"Thank you Amelia." Bella said with tears in her eyes "I'm sorry did I wake you?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I was awake the whole time I was just resting my eyes. I see you as my sister too." She said and I smile giving her a hug. "Now try to get some real sleep. I'll make sure no one comes in and everyone is quiet especially Emmett. That guy is so loud." I say and she and Rose laugh. "Hey I am not!" Emmett books from the other room. "Wow maybe I am." I hear him mumble a second later. Rose laughs and goes to find him while I cover Bella with another blanket. "You won't leave?" She asks "I'm not going anywhere." I promise and she smiles. She closes her eyes and I run my fingers through her hair and soon I hear small snores coming from her. I stop playing with her hair when Edward comes in.
'I'm not going to argue with you right now she just got to sleep' I think and I know he hears me because he shakes his head. "I'm not going to argue. I'm here to thank you. I hadn't realized what I was putting bella through by not supporting her. I love her so much and I can't believe she thought I loved her less because of the baby. I just don't know how to make It up to her." Edward said quietly so only I could hear. "Support her. Maybe Ask her about baby names and offer up a baby name suggestion. Tell her how much she and the baby mean to you. Also Let her know that you'll love and take care of this child even if she doesn't make it. She told me yesterday that she didn't think you'd care for the baby. She needs to know that you will because right now because that's stressing her out the most." I say quietly and he nods before giving me a hug. "Thank you." He said and I nod. He goes over and sits next to the couch on the floor. He holds onto Bella's hand and stays there till she wakes. "Amelia?" She asks with her eyes barely open. "I'm here I never left." I say and she smiles at me then looks at Edward. "I'll leave you two alone." I say and stand up. "Just call for me if you need anything." I say then walk out of the room. "How is she?" Rose asks "I think she's doing okay. She just woke up so I'm going to bring her some water and crackers when her and Edward are done talking." I say "okay but when are you going to feed it's been a few days." Bree asks as she walks in. "Later. I need to stay with Bella." I say and Bree frowns "she's right you need to feed. I'll be here with Bella I won't let anything happen to her or the baby." Rose said and I sigh debating on going or not. "Come on Amelia." Alice said walking into the kitchen with jasper right behind her. "What?" I ask "the three of us are going hunting." Jasper said and Alice grabs my hand pulling me to the door. "Let me tell Bella first." I say "no I will tell her. Go Amelia." Bree said with a laugh as Jasper and Alice drag me outside.

Amelia Tanner (Felix Volturi Mate)Where stories live. Discover now