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Amelia pov.
Jacob came over a week ago and hasn't really left but now we have Sam and his pack after us making it hard to hunt. Seth and Leah are helping us and are apart of jacobs pack now. "When do you think they will be back." Rose asks "they left an hour ago so soon hopefully." I say because Bree Emmett Carlisle and Esme went out hunting leaving the rest of us with Bella. Bella is standing by me and Rose stretching her legs when she goes to grab blood from Rose. It slips past her finger and she tries to catch it but her spine breaks and she falls to the ground. I catch her and Edward grabs her head from hitting the floor. We take her to the room Carlisle set up for the delivery. "Where are they?" I ask "they should be here soon!" Rose said "get him out! He's suffocating!" Bella screams "Rose don't." I say as she cuts Bella's stomach. She looks at the blood and her eyes turn black. I use my gift and she falls to the ground. I take her out of the room and lock the door so she can't get back in. "Sorry Rose." I say then go back to Bella. "Hurry!" Bella screams again and Edward tears into her getting the baby out. "Keep your heart beating Bella. Breath." Jacob said "Amelia!" Bella screams and I take her hand. "I'm here you're doing great just breathe like we practiced." I say and she tries to breathe like I showed her. "It's Renesmee." Edward said with a smile. "Beautiful." Bella said and Edward holds Renesmee to Bella. But Renesmee bites Bella by accident. "Renesmee no." I say and Bella's heart starts to slow. "Amelia take her." Edward said and I take Renesmee "save her." I say looking at Bella "go." Edward said while grabbing the syringe full of his venom. I take Renesmee out of the room and if I could I'd cry. I'm losing my sister.
I sitting in front of the fire when Rose walks in and I tense. "I'm sorry about what happened. I'm okay now. Promise." She said and I nod "can I hold her?" She asks and I hand Renesmee to Rose. I'll get her some blood." I say and run to the kitchen I come back with a bottle full of blood. "They are here. Amelia stay with Renesmee." Edward said and I nod taking Renesmee form Rose "hi honey." I say and give her the bottle. She finishes almost instantly and I laugh slightly. "Was that good?" I ask and she smiles at me then looks behind me. I hear something drop and I stand up ready to use my gift on anyone here to hurt Renesmee. But it's just Jacob. He's on his knees looking at Renesmee. "They can't hurt her." He said and runs outside "you kill her you kill me!" Jacob yells "he imprinted. A wolves imprint can't be harmed. It's their most absolute law." I hear Edward say. After a few minutes everyone walks in and Bree cooes when she sees Renesmee. "She's so cute." Bree said "Amelia." Edward said reaching for the baby. "Here. She just had some blood." I say and he nods. I smile at the two of them then turn to Jacob and my smile disappeared. It's replaced with a deadly glare and everyone freezes and Jacob looks scared. "You imprinted on her." I ask slowly venom dripping from every word. He swallowed and modeled slightly looking to Edward for help. "You're on your own." Edward said and I could hear the smile I knew was on his face. "Take Renesmee out." I say and Edward nods leaving the room with Renesmee. "You dare harm her in any way and I'll kill you. You treat her badly once and you're dead. Make her cry, you'll die. Am I clear?" I say and he nods and I growl then use my gift and he falls to the ground screaming. "I said am I clear!" I yell "yes! God. please stop I understand!" He begs then screams again but I continue "Amelia." Carlisle said and I stop. "I was making sure he knows I'm to be taken seriously." I say and Carlisle sighs before going to check on Jacob. "He will be fine." I say and Edward walks back in with Renesmee. "Can you hold her so I can shower?" He asks "of course." I say taking Renesmee "hi honey." I say and kiss her head "she's such a beautiful baby." Esme said and everyone agrees. Jacob stands up and is wobbly on his feet so Carlisle steadies him. Renesmee looks to Jacob then puts a hand on my cheek. I see images of Jacob in the delivery room and when he was on his knees and of how he is now. "Wow. You're gifted." I say "really?" Carlisle asks "she just showed me what she was thinking." I say and everyone looks at Renesmee shocked and she puts her hand on my cheek again showing me the same thing as before. "I think she want to be held by Jacob." I say and just then Edward walks in and I look to him 'she want to be held by him. Is that okay or no?' I ask in my thoughts and he looks to Jacob reading his mind then looks back to me. "Yeah. It's okay." He said and I look to Jacob and when I do he looks away. "Sit there." I say pointing to the chair and he does so with no argument. I walk to him and he flinched. "I won't hurt you. Well I will if you hurt her." I say before placing Renesmee in his arms. He smiles bigger than I've ever seen him smile. "Hi Renesmee." He said looking at her like she's the only thing that matters in the world. Pain shoots through my body and I stifle a scream as I fall to the floor. "Amelia!" Edward said "what's going on?" He asks "I don't know. Amelia what do you feel?" Carlisle asks and I try to keep myself from screaming but it doesn't work out well. "Get her out of here." I say and Jacob hurried out with Rose right behind him. "Pain. Everywhere." I say but I clutch my chest the pain being the worst there. I scream again and I see black dots in my vision. "It's the mate pull. Amelia has this happened before?" Carlisle asks and i can't answer 'yes not this bad though' I think "she said it has but never this bad." Edward said "I need you to think of Felix. His face, his scent, his voice, anything about him. It will dull the pain." Carlisle said and I shake my head no. "Amelia the bond will kill you if you don't." Carlisle said and I feel my skin crack. With one more scream I finally start to think about Felix. Something I haven't done since the first day back here.
I think of his scent, woodsy with a hint of citrus and mint. Then his voice, deep slightly raspy and for some reason very relaxing. I feel the pain start to fade. Then I think of what he looks like, his bright red eyes and short brown hair, his tall and muscular build that towered over my 5 foot 6 inch body.
I sigh and relax slumping into Edward who I just now realized is holding me. "Take her to the couch. I'll get some blood." Esme said and I'm lifted off the ground and taken to the living room. Edward sets me on the couch gently and looks at me worry filling his eyes. "I'll be okay." I say quietly "no Amelia I don't think you will be. Thinking of him will only help for so long. You need to see him." Carlisle said and I shake my head "please. If you won't do it for yourself do it for Bella and Renesmee. Bella needs her sister and Renesmee needs her aunt." Edward said, damn it. He knows how to make me do things. I think and Edward laughs "so you'll see him." He asks and I glare at him and nod. "I'll write the volturi to have only him meet you. Where do you want to meet him?" Carlisle asks "isle Esme?" I ask and he smiles "of course." He said "I won't let him know of Renesmee." I tell Edward "I know." He said and kisses my head. While Carlisle wrote a letter to the volturi. "I'll send this off" he said then ran off. I take the blood from Esme with a small smile. "Thank you." I say "you're welcome dear." She said and I drink all the blood. "You okay?" Rose asks walking in holding Renesmee and Jacob following her. "Yeah but I have to see felix. I'm going to isle Esme soon." I say and she nods "I'll help you pack." Rose said and gives Renesmee to Edward and helps me off the couch.
I pack a few bags and go to my car. "Tell Bella I'll be back soon when she wakes up. I love you Bree." I say giving her a hug before hugging the rest of the Cullens and giving Jacob a glare. "Remember what I said" I say and he nods nervously "good." I smile and give him a hug which shocks him but he hugs back. I then get into my car and drive to the air port.

Amelia Tanner (Felix Volturi Mate)Where stories live. Discover now