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date - october 3rd 12:27pm (sunday)

Nailea POV

After the live I took the whole Saturday to myself. I cooled off and basically isolated myself from everyone and everything.

Today I was just staying home, i had nothing to do. It was just about lunch time, maybe i could go out for food? Yeah, ill get food.

I was still in pjs so i had to change. I decided to wear this :

 I decided to wear this :_______________________________

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I didnt know what to get so i just walked to the nearest starbucks. When I got (whatever) and sit at a table. A couple minutes later I see the girls walk in, with lia? They see me and come over to where i am. "Hey Nai! Can i talk to you?" Aileen says to me. "Me too." Sabrina says. "I- uh- sure i guess." We walk outside. "Im so sorry I didn't believe you. We've known you longer than her and we probably shouldve asked. I really hope you can forgive me." " yeah it was stupid to just believe her. We all should've atleast listened to both sides." "You both didn't really do anything so of course i can forgive yall." "Im not sure about the rest though. They still for some reason wanna hang with her. Im literally miserable around them now." "Aw. Well now you both have me." We go back inside and Lia starts questioning us. "What did yall talk about?" "None of your business." Im already upset that i had to see her. Just a little more upset she doesnt know when something involves her or not. "Aw why so rude?" "Leave me alone. Aliz, Sabrina im going back home ill talk to you later." "Oh so thats what it is. You made up. Why would you do that guys? Aliz?" "Dont call me that, only friends can call me that. And I did it because I cant stand being near yall anymore. All you do is try to put other people down and think its funny. Nai can I come with you?" "Me too. I dont wanna be left alone with them" "Yea." I nod and she catches up to me. I do this face to them while we walk out the door.
When we got back to my house vallyk was there playing the game kio in his room. Me & the girls hung out taking pictures for spams and everything.

billnai: hey 😩[tagged: bbyfacealiz, idksab]

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billnai: hey 😩
[tagged: bbyfacealiz, idksab]

user: the group is back?
↪️billnai: some ig 😔

user1: this trio>>❤️
↪️billnai: 😆🤪

yurrrvallyk: the bestie is good now? 🥸
↪️billnai: yesss i isss

liaspriv: if this isn't backstabbing idk what is.
↪️billnai: k. bye 😐



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