date - september 14th 6:35am (tuesday) ___________________________
I woke to my extremely annoying alarm and started getting ready for my first day of school. This is what I wore : ___________________________
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As soon as I finished my hair my brother kio runs in trying to rush me. I try ignoring him while putting my shoes on and he grabs my arm pulling me out my room. "I cant put my shoes on now?!" "YES. In the car. Now lets go." I get my arm back from him and finish putting my shoes on. "BYE MOM!" We both yell towards her room. She yells back "BYE!" And we start driving off to school. Once we get there, we walk in go towards the office and the secretary calls down someone to show us around. I heard her say val maybe its a girl. Couple minutes after we see a boy come into the office and the secretary says, "This is vallyk. He's going to show you both around the school." "I-." "Hey, im kio thats nailea." Kio says interrupting me. "Uh..yeah hi." "Ready?" We both nod and start walking around the school.
*skip to lunch*
I walk out of my 3rd period class and i see vallyk walking towards me. "Hey, Nailea ." "Hey, Vallyk right?" He nods. "Came over here to ask if you wanna sit with me and my friends?" "Um..sure." We walk and talk more as we make it to the lunch table. "Okay guys this is Nailea. Thats Aileen, mike, jessika, angel, trentyn, sabrina, tony and josie" He says pointing to each one of them. We all greet each other and get to know each other then these 3 girls walk over to us. They're all basic blondes... yay. "Hey babe!" One of them say giving me a stink eye. She has sort of weird grey blonde hair... "Riley for the last time we broke up 3 months ago! Let it be!" Vallyk says back to her.. so their exes. "Oh come on baby, you know ya still want me!" "I obviously don't, you just dont know when to TAKE A HINT!" He says slightly raising his voice. I honestly got shocked. "Anyways who are the new ones?" The taller blonde says. "Im-." "Sorry wasnt asking you." She says interrupting me. "Olivia lay off alright." Trentyn says. "whos that one i meant?" She says pointing to kio. "Me?" She nods. "Kio...why?" "No should give me your number." She says walking over to him. "Im good." He says awkwardly. "Dont you wanna be with a girl like me." She says getting touchy. "Most definitely not especially since y'know you were literally just being rude to my sister for no like i said, im good." He says gently pushing her away. "Youll regret saying no to me." She says rolling her eyes. "Anyways who are you." The last one says. "Nailea." "Why so dry?" She asks me. "Id rather not talk to yall." I say as i circle my finger around them all at "yall". "Whats so wrong with us?" "Dont think i wanna say on the first day y'know?" "Just say it." I refuse. "Dont be a pussy just say it." "Literally if she doesn't want to say it she doesn't have to." Sabrina says. "No she wants to hear so bad, fine. I was gonna say id rather not talk to self centered basic bitches like yall, but i didnt..until now." "What the fuck did you just say to us!?" Riley exclaims. I turn facing jessika. "Are they mental or something? I swear i just said the clearest shit ever." She shrugs her shoulders. "Yknow what ill ask." "You do know we can hear you right?" "Kinda the gonna answer the question or?" "We arent mental. We just ignore the irrelevant people." I bust out laughing. "OMG that seems ALOT like something vallyk is trying to do based on what i heard you just wont give up!" The rest of the table starts laughing and they stand there shocked. "Oh and if you ever try starting some rumor on social media make sure to tag me. All of my socials are naileadevora. Bye now!" They walk away shocked asf. "BAD BITCHHH!" Jessika yells towards me. "I like this one." Sabrina says. The day went on and the whole group met up at the door way at the rnd of the day. We all exchanged numbers and socials. Then me and kio drive home. As soon as I opened the door we were greeted by mochi and his ears up with something in the middle because kio did it. ___________________________
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