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'do i really like him?'

date: november 18th 5:28pm
(still thursday)

Nailea POV

My thoughts were interupted by my ringtone. I look at my phone and its a facetime call from vallyk. 

| FaceTime from val😜 |
accept | decline

"naiiiiii, im bored. When are you coming back?" he says as soon as i answer.

"aww does someone miss me?" I say teasing him.

"YES, i do"
"ooh someone got a crush" i hear someone from his phone say. It was a girl voice.
"Maya shut up." He says back to them

"whos that?" I ask him curiously.

"my sister" he answers me.

"her name is maya?"

"No its jasline, my family just calls her that."

"wait you had a sister this whole time?! why didnt you tell me?"

"We never really talked about family. but since we are now, i do have a little brother, and his name is kenny."
"yea?" I hear a small baby voice say.

"Is that him?" I ask vallyk.

"Yep." He says putting the phone down.

once he picks the phone up, i see him holding kenny.

"say hi" he says to kenny.

"heyyy." I say in a slight baby voice.

"hii" he says back to me in a soft voice.
"okay now go to mami." he says to kenny, letting him down.

"hes cute"

"I know right. Anyways when are you coming back?"

"Uh.. i think tomorrow." I say with a confused look.

"Okay thats really all i needed." 

"Why do you want me to come back to much?"

"i thought i already said why. But i said i miss you. And im bored."

"I cure your boredom?"


"Thats nice. But now I'm tired and i have to wake up early for my plane so i will see you tomorrow."

"Okayy bye"

facetime call ended

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