Book 1, Chapter 8: Failing

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Missy POV:
"Okay, work together." I said
"Stay in sync." I said
Rewind and fast foward definintly need to work on working together if they want to be a better team and it will definintly help with there reationship as twins. Plus there powers are definintly needed a lot while we stop take-over.
"Good." I said
Mabey this wasent so bad. Mabey I can lead. Mabey I'm not so useless as I thought I was. Now time to lead others. I felt more confidence in myself then before.
Guppy was running past the boxes that where swining around. Luckily she didnt got hit.
"Wrong way! Your going the wrong way!" Face maker said.
And then Guppy went into Shark frenzy mode. Her dad should really try to get her some yoga class to get more calm while using her power. Guppy is powerful as she can control lava, Teeth are shark, And has shark strengh. Whatever that means.
"Guppy stay calm" I said
"Guppy your in shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends." I said
"Your powers are useless if you dont stay calm and focus!" I said
" Now go meditate" I said
I thought everything was going alright until Slo-mo got hit from one of the bags.
"Someone catch Slo-mo" I said
"Noodles, I mean no face maker." I said
"What?" Rewind said
"What?" Fast foward said
"Who make up your mind?" Rewind said
I didnt even know what to think in my mind. This all went bad. I knew I shouldent be the leader. Im the worst at leading. I have no powers, no talent. I dont even know why I am here if im just being more useless space in the team!
"I got him" noodles said
"Whoa whoa" Face maker said.
Noodles powers got out of control and it messed up a lot of things.
"Listen to me!" I said
"Slo-mo you can never do anything right." Wild Card said
I failed again.
At the super heros captured room. Marco Merono POV:
"Look I dont understand what your problem is." Invisable girl said
"My problem?" Rewind and fast foward mother said
"Yes you want to come up in my face" Invisable girl said
"What is your problem talk to me what is it?" Invisable girl said
"We do work in the same orginzation." Blinding fast said
"It be nice if you comunicated" Blinding fast said
Everyone was fighting. Well almost everyone. We where stuck in this room for hours. I didnt know where Missy was. I didnt want her to end up like my wife. I dont want to look back at the time but mabey Missy can end up like her. I have to think postive. Missy should be alright she in the heroic head quaters with all of the super hero children.
"Dont make me use my outside voice on you two" Ms.Vox said
"ha" sanged Ms.Vox
"ha" sanged Ms.Vox
"If you fought the aliens like this we wouldent be captured." I said
"Thats what I been saying." Blinding fast said
Shark boy hit his head angerily.
"Why dont you cheer us up by singing us a little song you sing so well, Shark boy" Mircle guy said
"Man, You got some fish to fry." Mirclce guy said
"Hey, hey, hey calm down Shark Boy." Lava Girl said
"He's just baiting you." Lava Girl said
I swear they fight all the time. It gets annyoing. They act like children. There not even focusing on getting out but instead roasting each other.
"Please stop fighting." I said
"You're like children, actually worse." I said
"Yeah Mircle Guy why dont you just pretend there's a camera on you?" Lava Girl said.
"Well there not a Camera on me. Its actually kind of liberting." Mircle guy said
"I can be my true self. And my true self dosent like YOU or YOU or YOU." Mircle guy said
And when you get lava girl or Shark boy mad. There going to use there powers agisnt you and you end up dead meat to eat. Luckily a camera came buy so no one ended up being eaten dead meat at least.
"What the heck is that?" Mircle guy said
"Its a.. camera." I said
"I demade you relase us. Whoever or whatever you are." I said
"Mr president there something I need to tell you, I didnt vote for you" Mircle guy said.
"The aliens didnt allow much time for me to give you this message." Mr.presdient said
"Its about your children." Mr.Presdient said
Children? Wait you mean our children? What happened? Is Missy alright did she got captured? If they hurt Missy I'm going to find a way to beat those aliens. She not safe by herslef. She has no powers. She dosent have much self confidence in herslef. The kids bully her at her school. I dont want Missy to end up like her mom.
"They disappered from headqauters." Mr.Presdient said.
I felt pain. The same pain when I found out my wife died. The same pain I felt when I had to give up as being a hero. The same pain when Missy told me she saw her om die.
"They'll be completely helpless without us." Mircle guy said
Back at the training camp Wild Card POV:
I felt really bad for Missy again. I should of be firm that I needed to be the leader. I didnt want Missy to get hurt because if she was hurt then I feel that same pain too. I dont know why or how this happened but I feel like I like Missy. She just seems so different then others.

Thats the end of the chapter for now. I'm making more and more chapters for you guys to read with only 1000 words so you dont have to read a 3000+ word page chapter. Have a great day as always <3
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