chapter 4; all for you

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There were a lot of things Mona quite enjoyed doing, though she had to admit, waking up at eight am and sneaking into Niall's room was not one of them.

"Fuck," she muttered when she somehow managed to stub her toe on the corner of Niall and Liam's couch, biting her lip to keep from yelping out loud.

Needless to say, she wasn't a morning person.

She stealthily made her way towards Niall's room, opening his door as quietly as she could and making sure she didn't slam it when she pushed it closed as she was so prone to doing. Niall was splayed out on his bed, limbs all starfished out as he snored contentedly into his pillow. Mona noticed that his hair was getting quite long, his brown roots beginning to show more prominently than the blonde.

As quietly as she could manage, because Niall's floor was rather creaky in certain spots, she tiptoed over to his slumbering figure, allowing herself to giggle under her breath before she was climbing over him so that she was straddling his back, being sure not to pounce on him because she was quite positive he would've thrown her right off the bed.

"Wakey wakey, sleeping beauty," she murmured into his ear, her fingers dragging over his ribs in a tickling scrape. The weather was beginning to transition into the blustery autumn temperatures but Niall still chose to sleep shirtless, and Mona took advantage of that by tracing around the splattering of freckles scattered over the expanse of his back, lips pressing feather light kisses to the nape of his neck until he was snuffling awake. "Happy birthday, Blondie."

Niall groaned, stretching out his limbs to get rid of the stiffness that sleep brought. He wiggled his hips so Mona would raise her bum from his lower back, slowly rolling over until he was resting on his back and his hands were able to rest comfortably under her thighs. A whine fell from his lips when he opened his eyes only to be met with the reminder that he'd forgotten to close his blinds the night before, the early morning rays of sunlight streaming in through the cracks.

"Get up, loser," Mona chuckled, leaning down to nudge her nose against his, her fingernails scratching lightly along his shoulders. "I made plans for you."

Niall grunted, shifting slightly so his hips weren't pressing directly into Mona's, his hand sliding up to rest against the curve of her ass instead. "Do I get birthday sex?" he mumbled sleepily, eyes still shut, voice low and groggy.

She hummed, huffing out a giggle against his cheek and then pressing her lips against his skin for a kiss. "Nope."

"Then no, m'not getting up."

Mona sat up then, her hands patting against his chest as she scoffed at this. "C'mon, don't be such a big baby. You're twenty-two, not five." She was holding back a laugh at the way he was pouting, even though he was still half-asleep. Petulant, as usual. She sighed giving him a quick peck to his lips. "There, you got a kiss. Now get up."

Niall huffed, opening his eyes to glare at her, though because his eyelids were still drooping, he just looked like an upset puppy. "That was hardly a kiss," he grumbled, wriggling beneath her so he was propping himself up on his elbows. He shoved at her until she was moving, settling on his lap instead as he grudgingly sat up. "Some friend you are," he muttered, though she knew from the way his eyes twinkled that he was holding back a laugh of his own. "Not even a blowjob. Bloody useless."

At that, Mona cackled, completely losing it to the point that she nearly slipped off his lap, Niall's hands quickly shooting out to steady her, grinning brightly at her amusement. Maybe it was because she was still clinging to a bit of sleep herself, but she couldn't help it, giggling against Niall's chest. Eventually, he gave in as well, chuckling along as Mona's laughter subsided, his arms winding around her as she allowed herself to relax against him.

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