𝐋'𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐥 𝐃𝐮 𝐕𝐢𝐝𝐞

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Toby Rogers' arrest wasn't more shocking to anyone else than himself. It was completely due to his irresponsibility. He doesn't remember the arrest, just waking up in the back of a police cruiser with his wrists cuffed behind him, fading in and out of consciousness. He knew he fucked up. The embarrassment Toby felt when a police officer explained the botched heist he failed to follow through with still makes him cringe to think about. All because he was totally loaded and wanted more booze.

It's coming back to him now, what happened earlier that day when he was apprehended. He woke up from a previous drunken stupor looking for more alcohol. He only had half a bottle of Jack Daniels so he took it with him as well as one of his hatchets, drinking on the way to the liquor store.

It was atrocious. The police were there in about 8 minutes and took him away. His alcoholism costed him his freedom, possibly for the rest of his life.

He began heavy drinking a few years ago when his crippling mental health completely consumed him. Along with alcoholism, his murderous tendencies began soon after. In 7 years, Toby committed 47 murders. Toby refuses to link it to drinking as it reminds him of his father and he absolutely rejects the idea that he may be inheriting traits from that monster. Toby believes it's something greater that coerced his mind any time he became violent. It was not his own will to kill but someone else's order infiltrating his intellect.

When Y/N left Toby, everything that was already bad enough got a hundred times worse than he could ever describe. His visions of the tall creature in the woods became more frequent along with horrid hallucinations. He could no longer tell reality appart from his insanity.

One night, Toby was convinced he murdered Y/N after a freakish hour-long hallucination. He was taking a walk through the woods, trying to clear his head which was an awful idea. He saw Y/N sitting by a tree with her back resting against the bark. She looked peaceful. Toby's body began feeling hot all over, a fire starting in his heart. He hadn't felt this much rage since he killed his father. His hand gripped the hatchet he hadn't realized he was holding and silently snuck over to her resting figure. He lifted his weapon high above his head and slammed it into her skull. The crunch resonated through the silent forest, bouncing off the trees causing an echo. He axed her to death until she was nothing but a mushed, bloody soup being absorbed by the soft dirt and grass beneath her. He screamed at her carcass, shaming her for how she betrayed and abandoned him. Not only that, but she moved on and is living a successful life, leaving him to rot in the dirt. Once she's unrecognizable, he stops and stares down at his work. He grinned, satisfied before he spit on her corpse.

He was sitting on a fallen log in a clearing near a river. He's hallucinating. He sat down an hour ago and completely lost this huge block of time. Toby began to panic as he didn't know if he really killed her or not and his dazed confusion lasted for hours. He finally got back to his cabin that is nestled amidst tall conifers and started to feel better. In his walk back, he started to ponder about how he'd feel if he were to rid the world of Y/N.

Toby is currently sitting on the floor of his padded room, with his back resting against the billowy wall. This entire room is soft and he's in restraints so he can't hurt himself. There's a door, with padding on it too, and a little slot where staff can hand him things like food. He's in his straight jacket for about 20 hours a day.

This is day 4 of solitary confinement. The entire space is white and harmless, which brings peace to Toby. Nothing in here can hurt him nor can he hurt himself.

Back in his cell, he would hallucinate terribly. He has a little window and he always sees the tall man between the trees; watching. He's ruthless, he hasn't stopped stalking him.

He's a creature older than time itself, with many names but most commonly referred to as The Slenderman. Toby first saw Slenderman the night of his father's death. It was like he was beckoning him into the forest. He was terrified and resisted the urge to follow him. Toby has never told anyone about his Slenderman sightings. He's been trying to escape his watchful gaze for nearly a decade as well as criminal conviction for his crimes. Then he met Y/N and she made it all okay.

Unbeknownst to Toby himself, he's constantly yearning for a sense of belonging. All his life, he's been seen as an outcast and felt as though he's watching everything around him from the sidelines. The only person who ever showed him compassion and humanity was his sister. The rest of his dysfunctional family were worthless to him. And he was to them, too. When she died, he became awfully lonesome and lost any sort of family dynamic he had left.

Y/N was a light to Toby. A dim, flickering one, but she guided him on his dark path through life for their many months together and made being alive a little more bearable. She was so carefree and wore a hazy smile when he first met her. It was the drugs that made her feel like everything was going to be alright. Toby understands that now. He compared his life of sobriety to when he was smashed from his week-long benders and he always felt better when there was booze in his system.

She started to become really bad towards the end. She was extremely ill as well as depressed. Toby made it his purpose to nurse her back to health. He wanted them to be okay. Together.

Toby has never really had any romantic interests before, so he didn't understand how he was feeling for Y/N. It was something greater than superficial physical attraction. He never realized it was love, in every sense of the word. He has pursued companionship for so long and he found that in her. He would hold her through their toughest nights. She was kind of like his other half so when she left him with no explanation, he lost himself again.

A/N: hi this is just a lil chapter to show Toby's thought process and what life has been like for the last few years apart for Y/N.

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