v. hacker- teen parent

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THE COLD HUGGED MY BODY AS I HUGGED THE SMALL, FRAGILE, BABY IN MY ARMSI didn't know where to go. My parents had kicked me out and the asshole who claimed he would love my baby and I is now gone, probably in on a plane to Illinois currently.

I shivered as I opened the back of my old and shitty car that now contained my whole life basically. How is it that I ended up in this situation? Nine months ago, I had a loving family with a loving home to go with it. I had lot's of friends and even a boyfriend whom I loved. Now, I'm buckling in my one month old daughter in her car seat, friendless, single, no family, and basically, well.... homeless. 

I shut the door gently to the back, not wanting to wake Harper up, I quickly opened my door and quickly got in, heading for nowhere I guess.

There was one person I could go to, however I'm not sure if he would even answer the door if he knew it was me. When I got pregnant, my parents gave me an ultimatum, either I get an abortion and I can still live with them, or I keep the baby and move out, with no help for them at all.

I think it's clear to see which choice I picked, what I didn't realise when I picked this was that I would also lose all my friends along with my family.

Although I wasn't completely alone, with the promise of a new life and my boyfriend by my side, ex-boyfriend now.

Before I could talk my self out of driving to where I was heading, my car pulled up to my last string of hope's house. 

As I looked at the homely house, stared at the windows that viewed light through them, indicating someone was home. I began to sob, I couldn't hold it in anymore. This was my last chance of not worrying about sleeping in the freezing car tonight.

What if he said no, turned his back on me like everyone else. He wouldn't do that, would he? Removing my hands from my face, in the mirror, stood my sleeping daughter, shivering. I had to at least try. Try for the sake of the angel behind me. 

With a sigh, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out of the car. As I got Ester out from the back, I held her close, soaking up her warmth. Closing the door behind me, I began walking up the driveway.

Deep breath in, deep breath out. I kept reminding myself as I waited at the door after knocking. It will all me okay. A few seconds go by, a minute. He's not going to answer.

All that hope, now gone. A night in the car I guess. Just as I begin to turn around, I hear the sound of the door behind me opening. 

"Y/N?" The voice asks me, breathing heavy. I slowly turn around, a small smile that I would call hope creeping up on me.

"Vinnie." I mumble quietly. My light blue eyes are met with a pair of deep brown one, the brown eyes quickly avert away from mine, to a sleeping Ester in my arms. "I'm, I'm sorry Vin, I just, I know we have talked in a while but I just," I stuttered, tears forming in my eyes as I explained the reason I'm here at his doorstep. "I just didn't know where else to go." I sniffed.

My eyes shifted down to my feet as my cheeks grew pink with shame and embarrassment. I felt a pair of strong but sensitive hand grab my arm gently. I looked back up to see the boy with curly blonde hair drag me into his home.

"Here, come in, gosh, you're freezing, both of you are. I'll get you a blanket." He said hurriedly as he closed the door for me. The warmth of his home instantly hit me as I got goose-bumps on my arms from the change of temperature.

He led over to the living I used to spend have my days in before we... lost contact. As I sat down on the brown couch with it's familiar warmth, Ester in my arms, Vinnie ran off to go get a blanket for us.

Quickly coming back, he gave me a small, concerned smile. As concerned as he looked for me, I had comfort in knowing that he wasn't going to push me to tell him what happened. He sat down next to me, not right next to me that we were touching, but enough to feel his warmth and comfort. 

He put a warm fluffy blanket over the two of us as he bored his eyes into mine.

"I really am sorry to be Vinnie, I just," I began.

"Don't worry about it, okay. I'm just... happy that you're here." He said sympathetically. 

A smile had appeared on his face, causing his brown eyes to sparkle. In my arms, I felt the movements of Ester as she made mumble sounds as she began to wake up.

After a few stretches, she opened her eyes, instantly locking them on her surroundings, specifically Vinnie.

The blonde in front of me gave a small smile to her. "This is Ester," I said quietly, remembering that he has yet to meet her.

"Hi, Ester," He whispered softly.

"Here," I said, gently detaching the warmth from my arms an passing it to Vinnie.

"You're beautiful, Ester," He said, adjusting his hand under her soft head. "Just like your mom." He looked up at me, his smile growing each second. "I hope you turn out just like her, amazing." He finished, breaking our eye contacts to give Ester a kiss on her small head.

Turns out my last hope, should have been my first choice.

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