v. hacker- date night

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"TRUST ME, Y/N. THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST NIGHT OF YOUR LIFEI promise." Vinnie tried to persuade me. 

I smirked up at the boy who had his hand out, with a challenging sigh, I took his hand as he lifted my up from the ladder. We were on top of some building, the sun almost beginning to set. As both my feet met the concrete rooftop, I looked around, gasping when I saw it.

In front of me was a white screen set up with a projector, in front of it was a blanket with a picnic and pillows all around it. I let out a small laugh as I looked at Vinnie's smiling face watching my every move to see my reaction. He had obviously thought this out well and was excited to see if I liked it.

"I love it, Vin." I shrieked, jumping into his arms. I kissed his right temple, than the side of his mouth to tease him.

"Come on," He laughed, his hands pressed comfortably on my waist. "I deserve a better kiss than that don't I?" He smirked, leaning in to kiss me. I turned my head, leaving his lips on my left cheek.

I hummed shortly, fiddling with his blonde, curly locks that I loved so much. "Depends," I said. "What movie are we watching?" I asked, looking back at him. His eyes were bored into mine, soaking up every word I said.

"Black Panther, of course." He deadpanned, shrugging.

A mixture of a scoff and a laugh came out of my mouth at his response. 

"What? This is the only way I can get out to watch it with me, I know you hate Marvel, but you love me, so you'll watch it, for me." He smiled, showing his teeth.

"Fine," I said sucking my teeth. "But no kisses for you." I said walking towards the picnic, smiling to myself. 

It didn't take long to hear his footsteps chasing after me. Quickly, his arms snaked around my waist, lifting me up into the air. He fluttered my neck with kisses as he spun me around causing me to giggle. As he put me down on the blankets, I sat down, pulling him down with me.

Our bodies pressed closely together, I sighed as I looked at the boy that I really did love. "Okay, maybe just one though." I said, pulling his face closer to mine, he grabbed to back of my neck lightly with his hand as I tangled my fingers through his hair. 

As our lips met, it felt as if time had frozen still, being here with him, felt like we were on top of the world, I guess the top of a rooftop will have to do for now. We pulled away from each other as the movie began. Our legs tangled together, bodies close and hands held together.

"So is this a good date?" His voice broke through my thoughts. 

"The best." I mumbled.

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