v. hacker- five more minutes

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THE TASTE OF VINNIE'S TONGUE LINGERED IN MY MOUTH— I lifted away from his face, still straddling him. He lifted his right hand from my hip to my neck, attempting to pull me down for another kiss.

"Vin, I have to go. I have classes soon." I say, resisting from his soft pull.

"Come on, y/n. Stay a little bit longer, please." He begged. I could practically see the desperation in his eyes. He pulled me in closer, meeting his lips with mine.

I could feel his tongue poke against my lips, instead of opening them for him, I pulled away from him. So he didn't pull me in again, I got up from the bed, instantly missing his warmth.

"Vin, really, I can't be late. You made me late for class the other day." I picked up my bag from the ground. I looked back up at the blonde boy in front of me, his stare piercing through me.

I'm staying strong this time, I begin to head towards the door. "I'll be home around 3, so we'll continue this—" My words are cut off as I feel Vinnie's hands grabbing my waist and turning me around.

Before I had a chance to say anything, his lips smashed onto mine, pushing me against the door.

He pulled away from my face a few inches, enough to press his soft lips near my ear. He kissed the space behind my ear lightly as I could feel his hot breath as he was about to speak. 

"Five more minutes." He whispered demandingly.

I bit my lip, thinking to myself. "Fine," I said in defeat "but only five minutes this time Vin-" Before I could finish the sentence Vinnie began to push me more towards the bed, a huge grin plastered onto  his face. 

"Sure." Is all he said before leaning over to me to give me a kiss. "Five minutes."

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