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"Let's run the whole dance through one more time."

You hear some sighs and giggle to yourself. You had been sitting in the practice room for 4 hours now with your best friend, Jia. The two of you had been watching the boys practice the dance for their new song that was about to come out, and it looked amazing. The song was super catchy, and a new concept for EXO and the dance was even better. All of the guys were amazing dancers, even though you knew only a couple were truly appreciated for it. You weren't surprised that EXO's dance was awesome. All of their dances awed and inspired you, as a dancer yourself.

You had been a dancer for years, even longer than you knew the boys of EXO. Your best friend, Jia, was also a dancer. It was how you two became friends at the age of 4. Your mothers putting both of you in classes before even attending school. You loved it. Dancing was how you expressed yourself. It made you feel free and forget the world for a while. You danced for fun, while Jia danced because she wanted to make a career out of it. That's why Jia had become a trainee and why you hadn't. Jia ended up training at the same time as the boys did, which was how you all met, and here you were, 7 years later.

The boys respected your opinions and often asked you to come to dance practice when they were figuring out new routines. You two always showed up to offer your thoughts and support.

As you watched the boys practice, you noticed Chanyeol kept messing up this one part of the dance that had some complicated footwork, and he was getting more frustrated by the second.

"I can't get this one move down!" Chanyeol growled in frustration.

Jongin started to walk over to the tall boy, "Here, let me help yo- ".

"Not you, Y/N, come here." Chanyeol interrupts the younger boy.

"Chan, Jongin is right there, and he's offering his help", you reply.

"Yeah, but I want yours instead".

You look over at Chan, who was giving you big, puppy eyes, then over to Jongin who was shaking his head at the older boy.

"Do you want me to start begging? Cause if that's what it takes..."

"As fun as that would be to see, Y/N, just- ", Baekhyun had started to say until Sehun interrupted him.

"No, let him beg, Y/N. I could use some entertainment."

"Yah! Why don't you go fix that one move in the middle that you keep messing up!" Chanyeol bit back.

Sehun looked surprised. "Me? That's cute. We both know I can dance this in my sleep."

"You can also...", Chanyeol started to say something, but you had tuned them out and looked around the room. Minseok, Soo, Yixing, and Baek went to go get drinks of water, each of the boys looking exhausted. Jongin and Jongdae stood to the side watching the two giants bicker. You glanced at Junmyeon, and you could see on his face that he was wondering if he should let them continue or get them refocused. He must've made up his mind because he looked back at you for help.

You sighed and stood up, "OKAY! I will help you with it this time, Chan, but only if we can call it a day and get food."

Jia piped up behind you, "Oh, I am so down with that plan."

The boys all quickly agreed because they were just as done with this practice as you were. Kyungsoo, Jongdae, and Minseok decided to leave early and go get food for everyone, while Sehun stayed behind just to watch you and Chan.

You were attempting to show Chanyeol how to do the move the easiest way, but he just kept goofing around. He would either poke you or grab your arm in the middle of the turn, and you were quickly getting annoyed.

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