Part 1

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The boys had been gone for a couple of months now, and the tour was going great from the looks of it. The fans had heard the new album and were obsessed. You were also obsessed, though, so you couldn't blame them. You often watched their performances online and always looked at the fan-made gifsets. It was a guilty pleasure. The boys seemed to be having a lot of fun and looked like they were staying healthy. Not that you would know, since you hadn't heard from most of them in a month.

You were sad but tried to understand it from their perspective. After promises to stay in touch, throughout the days, you realized how unrealistic it was. The boys were always busy and exhausted, and being in different time zones meant fleeting conversations through text. Phone call attempts were made, but they usually ended up in "can't talk" or "gotta go". In the past two months, you had mainly only heard from Baekhyun, Sehun, and Junmyeon. Chanyeol would sometimes text you, but hardly. You didn't understand why, since you two would usually text on and off all day.

At the end of the three months, you hadn't heard from any of them. Neither had Jia. You sometimes would send a text or meme to let them know you were thinking about them, but they were never responded to. When the boys came back, they had interviews and variety shows that needed to be done, and SM wanted them to start a new album almost immediately. You missed them so much, it would sometimes make you cry. There had never been a time where you had gone this long without talking. These boys were your brothers, and in his absence, you had come to realize you loved Chanyeol. You didn't want to be away from him anymore. Jia and yourself had thought about stopping by their apartment multiple times, but in the end, decided that would be rude.

-Six months later-

You were staring blankly at the window, not paying attention to much, besides the warm coffee in your hands. Jia had been saying something, but you honestly hadn't heard a single thing she said. You were watching the snow fall peacefully outside. You hated it but had to admit it was pretty.

"Y/N. Have you heard anything I've said the past 20 minutes?"

You stare at Jia for a second and then guiltily admit you hadn't. She sighs and stares at you for a moment.

"I'm guessing you still haven't heard from him?" The him she was referring to was Park Chanyeol.

"Nope", you reply. "At this point, I don't really expect to anymore."

"I just don't understand what the hell happened?" Jia says, "Jongin and Jongdae have finally started texting me again."

You nod. You had heard from Baek, Sehun, and Myeon here and there. They were updating you on big things, like awards and such. Their company had been keeping them so busy that they barely had time to relax.

When you had got the first text from Baek, you couldn't contain your enthusiasm. Then Sehun and Myeon... You thought the next would be Chanyeol, but he sometimes left you on "read". He never responded, and that really hurt. Especially when you knew he had seen the message and didn't care to respond. You were worried about him.

You were also worried about another boy. Poor Yixing was damn near killing himself. He had been working between Korea and China non-stop and was having issues with his health. You wanted to hurt someone for the way he was being treated, but he kept reassuring you he was okay.

Jia brought you back to the present when she said, "I'm assuming you've seen the newest article?"

You nod again. Of course, you saw it. You've been trying to stay up to date on EXO news while they were away on tour and ever since they came back.

For the past couple of months, there had been articles about Chanyeol, and this girl that was rumored to be his girlfriend. This newest article made three.

The first article was about him and her walking down a street together, looking like a "couple". A couple of weeks later, there was an article about them at a café together. You just assumed (hoped) she was an EXO manager or stylist, something.

This third article was about the two of them shopping. You thought, big deal? Until you realized they were shopping in a girl's clothing store. You admitted that was a little odd, but you still knew the rumors people loved to spread. When it came to EXO, it was big news.

Jia must've been on the same wavelength as you because she then said, "You know how the media loves to make stuff up. Especially romantic stuff."

"Yeah, that's what I've been thinking."

Not worrying about it, you pulled out your phone and brought up Instagram, your latest favorite platform.

"I'm gonna go get a refill, you want?"

"Please." You respond, not even looking up when she takes off.

When Jia comes back, she hands you your warm drink. Just as she was about to say something, your eyes land on a picture, and your heart stops. The next thing you know, your lap is burning, and Jia is yelling your name. You look down realizing you had just spilled your coffee all over your lap. Quickly jumping up, you wipe yourself off and smile at the customers staring at you.

Jia's voice suddenly comes back to your ears. "Jesus Christ, are you okay?!"

You nod your head still dazed, but Jia continues yelling, "What the hell was that about, you klutz?!"

Dazed, you pull the picture back up and examine it again. It was a picture Chanyeol had uploaded 45 minutes before. It was of him and the girl who was his rumored girlfriend. His arms were wrapped around her body, and he was kissing her.

From what you could see, she was absolutely gorgeous, and you wanted to throw your phone far away from you, so you didn't have to look at the picture of them anymore. Suddenly, feeling nauseous, you drop back into your seat.

You hadn't even realized Jia came up behind you to see what had you freaking out until you hear a "holy crap". She was quiet for a few seconds and walked back to her seat. Once she sat down, she asked if you were okay.

Finally pulling your eyes away from the picture, you stare at Jia, "No... who is she?"

"I've never seen her before... but I guess the rumors were true..." You sat there in disbelief.

"I mean... we haven't talked in like eight months, so it's not like I have any claim over him."

Jia, who always tried to look at the positive side of things, says, "Maybe she's a cousin or something?"

You give her a look that lets her know that was the stupidest thing she had said all day. "Jia. Do you kiss your cousins like that?"

She stutters, "Well... no, but- "

"But nothing."

After another minute, you decide you have to find out who she is. You pull up your contacts and go straight to the B's.

You: Baek... who is she?

After a minute, you see that Baek had read the message. The three dots pop up, and your heart starts pounding. This is it. You're gonna find out if this girl is who she's rumored to be. You wait, and then... nothing. The dots disappear.

You stare at your phone, "Are you serious?"

Jia, who was as invested in his response as you were, leans over to look at your phone. "What??"

"He read it, and was about to respond, then he stopped."

Jia sits there for a moment, then says, "I'm texting Jongin."

"Please don't. I don't want them all to think I'm obsessed or something."

"Y/N, no one is gonna think your- "


Jia immediately stops talking, and you stop breathing. Working up the courage, you pull the text up.

Baek: Y/N, that's Chanyeol's girlfriend, Daeun... They've been together for three months now...

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