Prequel (Chanyeol's POV)

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He was about to lose it. He was over this practice and over this freaking dance. He knew he wasn't the greatest dancer, but he did his absolute best every time, and it frustrated him whenever it took him a little longer to figure out a move. What made it worse was that you were there. You weren't even watching him half of the time, but he still wanted to impress you. That's what made him even more frustrated. He could easily do the first part, but when the jump turn came, he kept landing off balance.

Finally, he was over it, "I can't get this one move down!"

He saw Jongin coming towards him out of the corner of his eye, "Here, let me help yo- "

"Not you. Y/N, come here." He felt bad for interrupting the boy who was only trying to help him, but he wanted your attention at the moment. You tried getting out of it, but he had zero intentions of letting that happen. "Do you want me to start begging? Cause if that's what it takes..."

"As fun as that would be to see, Y/N, just - ", Baekhyun had started. He looked exhausted, and Chanyeol could tell he wanted to go home.

"No, let him beg Y/N. I could use some entertainment."

Sehun always wanted to be a little shit. "Yah! Why don't you go fix that one move in the middle that you keep messing up!" Okay, so maybe he wasn't the best at comebacks.

"Me? That's cute. We both know I can dance this in my sleep."

Chanyeol rolled his eyes, "You can also go screw yourself."

"Did I hurt your feelings hyung?" Sehun was giving Chanyeol a pouty face, and Chanyeol was about to strangle him. He was not in the mood for playful teasing. At least not with Sehun. You, however...

"Okay! I will help you with it this one time, Chan, but only if we can call it a day and get food." You looked so cute when you were annoyed. Your eyebrows always quirked, and your nose would scrunch up just a tiny bit. You were too far away for him to really see if that was happening, but he knew it was. He studied your features every chance he got.

It took all of two minutes for Chanyeol to be distracted by you. He tried, he really tried to focus on the dance, but he couldn't. He had to touch you when you were this close. He couldn't help himself. It was like a weird pull that he couldn't fight. Not that he really wanted to anyway.

"Chan, if you're just gonna keep messing around, I'm gonna stop helping you."

"But, Y/N, I love touching you, I can't help myself." He knew you were getting flustered because the tips of your ears started to turn pink. As soon as you threatened to have someone else help him, he quit messing around and got down to business.

After practice, everyone was walking back to the apartment. Chanyeol, who was having a conversation with Sehun, overheard Baekhyun's voice asking you what you were talking about. He slowed down with everyone else and waited for the two girls to catch up.

"Oh, her mad love for Chan." Jia, your best friend, said nonchalantly. He could see the shock on your face, but he didn't know why. He already knew you liked him. The two of you have gotten pretty hot and heavy more times than he could count.

The truth was, he liked you too. A lot. Too much, actually. He had a crush on you for so long. The first time the two of you kissed, he thought his heart was literally gonna stop, and he would drop dead on the floor. You were the most perfect person he had ever laid eyes on. Not that you would ever agree with that.

Chanyeol walked back to where you were standing and put his arm around your shoulders. He leaned down and whispered, "I like you too." He threw in a wink because he knew it would throw you off. It always did, and when he felt you jolt under his arm, he grinned. He loved the way you reacted to him.

Back at the apartment, Chanyeol had gone and sat with you, wrapping his arms around you in the process. He loved the way you fit his body. If he was cliché enough, he would say that you two were made for each other.

Sehun's voice dragged Chanyeol out of his thoughts, "How come you two aren't official yet?"

"Yah! Sehun! How come you don't have a girlfriend yet?!" Wow, he had to work on his comebacks. It was slightly embarrassing.

"I'm serious hyung. Everyone in this room knows you two like each other. You always act like a couple, so why not?"

Chanyeol had gone quiet. Why not? He just couldn't... You meant so much to him, and if he ever messed that up, he thought he might die. You deserved to be treated like a queen, and while Chanyeol would never treat you like you were anything less, he wasn't always around. That was another big problem. He was an idol, and though he knew you would understand that he was gone a lot, he felt like you didn't truly understand what you would be getting into.

There was a reason why idols rarely stayed in relationships for long periods of time. It was just too hard on everyone involved.

Later on, Chanyeol noticed you walk out onto the balcony, and like usual, he followed you.

"Hey Chan", Chanyeol looked over at your voice, "How come you haven't asked me to be your girlfriend?" He sighs, damn it, Sehun.

"Y/N, it'd just be easier on both of us if we weren't together." Seeing the look on your face, he realized how wrong that came out. He sounded like an asshole, so he had to explain.

"It's hard to date an idol. I'm always gonna be gone or busy for long periods of time, and I don't want to do that to you. You don't deserve that... Plus, it'd be hard on me too... Not being able to talk to you or see you, that'd hurt me. It's better for me if I just stay single."

The look on your face, as you thought over what he said, killed him. He almost wanted to take it all back, but he knew this was for the best. Or he hoped anyway.

He nudged you to get you out of your thoughts, "Are we okay?"

You smiled at him, "Of course we are. Always."

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