Who is Giorno's little princess?

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Guido Mista, the underboss and Don Giorno's personal bodyguard, where he alone has the privilege to be with him for 24/7 except for bathroom breaks , starts learning more and more about Giorno.

First, his real name is Giorno Kujo, and it's understandable that he uses the name Giorno Giovanna when he first joined their team and now being the boss, considering assassins might find out about his family and threaten them instead. Secondly, the french guy that names Jean Pierre Polnareff who is now stuck in the turtle that told them about the stand requiem, also happens to know Giorno since he was young, and Giorno sometimes calls him as Uncle Pol in private. Thirdly, Speedwagon Foundation, an enterprise that is large in science and technology is actually a foundation dedicated to research on stands and helps out all members of the Joestar family, where Giorno is supposed to be part of that family.

What Mista didn't prepare for, is the constant private calls Giorno got, from his family members ranging from his elder brother, mother, grandfather, uncle, brother in law, and sometimes even from a certain uncle's friend. Most of the time, Giorno speaks Japanese with his family, with a mixture of English and a little Italian, but there's always one particular caller that makes Giorno speak fully in English with just a few Japanese words, and he calls the caller 'princess' and even 'my star'.

He wonders if that 'princess' is Giorno's secret girlfriend or something, considering he always speaks really gently whenever he is on the call with her. He sometimes splurge some money to get branded items and ships to that 'princess' who is living in Florida, and he often makes promises like going to Disneyworld with her when he has the time to visit Florida. What makes the whole situation weird is the way Mista's chest clenches like it gets harder to breathe when he hears their conversation where he can only hear Giorno's side.

Sometimes Mista wishes that he can spend some time with Narancia and Fugo, but they are busy with some missions that Giorno needs done and Bruno assigned to them, so he didn't really have anyone to consult on this matter.

After a quick bathroom break, Mista enters Giorno's office and he walks as silently as possible when he sees Giorno on the phone, nodding, and when he sits on a chair near the window, Giorno's expression seems to brighten and speaks in English to the phone.

"This is great! I'm so proud of you my princess."

He pauses to listen and smiles, and Mista's dreaded feeling resurfaces again.

"Tell you what princess, if you can spare me a day of two next week, I will make sure you are the happiest princess in the entire world."

Mista can hear a girl's high pitch scream from the receiver and Giorno didn't move it away from his ear, still smiling. After a few head nods, he continues, "well then, see you then, my little star," he pauses for a while and smooch on the phone, and says a quick goodbye before ending the call.

Then Giorno sees Mista and smiles, "Mista? Can you help arrange a flight to Florida for two next week?"

"Sure, boss," he just agrees absentmindedly, not having the heart or mood to think about how lovey dovey his boss will be with his supposed lover and he has to be on guard duty, looking at his boss in love with someone else that might not deserve his love-

"Mista? You don't look alright. You aren't sick, right?"

"Noth-ing. I'm as healthy as a rock. Consider the task done."

He quickly exits the office, and he takes a few deep breaths to calm himself down. He can't show this side of him to his boss, or else he might think he is incompetent and transfer him to other position.


The dreaded day is finally here. Despite being able to afford a private jet, Giorno insisted on traveling in first class on a public airline, saying that it's good for the country's economy. Being his bodyguard, Mista is pulled along to Florida as well, even though he didn't want to. When they finally arrived in Florida, he was surprised they were fetched by Giorno's elder brother, Dr Jotaro Kujo. He remembers him because of his intimidating face and height, where he looks like he will break someone's bone if someone says something wrong. He knows he needs to steel his nerves and not to show any weakness, but when Giorno rushes over and hugs his brother, he relaxes.

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