Chapter 4

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Hermione and Draco took their time cleaning up their station and ended up being the last ones out the door. Draco grabbed her hand and started walking in the direction of their dorm before Hermione stopped walking all of a sudden. 

"Whats wrong?" 

"Nothing," Hermione said, shaking her head. "I'm just going to go to the Great Hall and talk to Seamus really fast." 

Draco lifted his brow and observed her. 

"Oh no. You have your scheming face on." 

"I have no such face! I just need to talk to our dear friend about nothing important. No big deal." 

"Mhmm. Want me to come with?" 

"No, this should be fast and you need to change for practice. I'll probably catch you before you leave." She stretched up on her tip toes to give him a quick kiss and then turned to run off in the other direction. Draco chuckled and continued walking towards his dorm. 

Hermione was walking towards the Great Hall when all of a sudden a panicked looking Theo turned the corner and crashed right into her. 

"Umph. Theo!" 

"Hermione! Thank Merlin. Let's walk together, shall we?" He said, grabbing her hand and tucking it into his elbow before hurrying through the corridors. 

"Let me guess, Lavender almost got you again?" 

"I don't know how she does it. Like a wild animal on a scent. It's bloody scary!" 

"Oh you poor thing." Hermione laughed. "Why don't you just find another girl? That should show Lavender that you're not interested." Hermione suggested as the reached the Great Hall. 

"Hermione! You are brilliant!" Theo exclaimed before leaning down and placing a quick kiss on her cheek and then rushing off towards Blaise. Hermione laughed and turned towards the Gryffindor Table. She saw Harry and Ron there watching her. Harry looked shocked and Ron's face was turning bright red. She continued to ignore them and came to stand across from where Seamus was sitting. 

"Hey Seamus" 

"Hey, Hermione. Here on a Monday?" He said with a smile. 

"Just for a second. I was hoping you would trade patrol shifts with me this week? I could take yours tonight with Padma and you could take mine on Wednesday?" 

"Why? Got a hot date?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. Hermione laughed. 

"Well now that you mention it, that sounds like a great idea." She replied with a smirk. Seamus chuckled. 

"Sure, who would I be with?" 

Hermione smiled and gave a small shrug. "Pansy." 

At this, Seamus grinned and started nodding his head. "Oh yeah, definitely. I can switch with you no problem." Dean laughed at his friends sudden enthusiasm. 

"Thanks Seamus! I'll go tell her now." She said, rushing out of the Great hall before Harry or Ron could stop her. 

"Do you think you will finally ask her out on Wednesday?" Dean asked Seamus. 

"I don't know, mate. What if she doesn't like me like that? It would be so awkward." Seamus replied, looking down at his plate. 

"Well i'm pretty sure that was Hermione meddling, and given that Pansy is one of her best friends, I would say she probably likes you." Neville added. Seamus perked up at this idea. 

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