Chapter 5

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Harry and Ron were on their way back to the library, hoping to catch Hermione there alone. They just made the long trip down to Hagrid's only to realize that he was teaching a class and they couldn't stay. They turned into the library and head towards the table they saw Hermione at earlier. Instead, they find Theo heavily flirting with Hannah. 

Theo is leaning in and speaking softly into her ear, his hand trailing up and down her arm. Hannah is giggling and blushing, sending him flirty looks. Neither of them notice the two boys watching for a minute before storming away. 

"I can't believe Theo is cheating on Hermione!" Harry huffs once they leave the library. 

"I know! We need to go tell her!" 

"Blaise said that everybody usually hangs out in the courtyard between classes so we should check there first." Ron nodded his agreement and they both headed outside towards the courtyard. 

They entered the courtyard and scanned for Hermione. They spotted her sitting on a bench talking with Ginny, Pansy, and Luna. 

"'Mione! We need to talk to you!" Ron states loudly, grabbing the attention of everybody as he rushes over to her group. Hermione looked over to Draco and gave him a subtle shake of her head, telling him to not come over. 

"What is it, Ronald?" She asked with a bored tone. 

"Your boyfriend is a cheating, slimy, git. That's what." Ron answered in an angry tone. 

Hermione just raised an eyebrow. "Excuse me?" 

"Honestly, i'm not sure what you expected. He's a Slytherin! You can't trust the snakes. I mean I know you were desperate to get our attention, but this is just sad!" Ron continued ranting and Harry grimaced next to him. Draco started to walk over to them but Hermione shot him a scary look that had him retreating. 

"What he means to say, is that we are sorry that he is cheating on you. But Ron's right, 'Mione. You should have expected something like this to happen when you started associating with Slytherins."  Harry said with a condescending look towards her. 

Hermione was fuming. "And what, pray tell, made you two geniuses assume that he is cheating on me?" 

"We didn't assume anything! We saw him, just now in the library with Hannah. He was all over her!" Ron yelled. "I mean, Theo Nott, Hermione? Are you mad? Why would you ever think a guy like that could stay faithful to you?" 

"You two are complete morons." Ginny said from beside Hermione, glaring at the boys. 

"First of all, don't you dare say anything about Theo or any Slytherins, ever. Neither of you have ever bothered to get to know them so you have no right to judge! And second, you two ignore me for 6 months and the first thing you say to me is that I deserve to be cheated on and then talk shit about all my friends? What the hell is wrong with you!" Hermione yells at them. Harry flinches back but Ron just gets more angry. 

"What's wrong with us?! You're the one that has a problem! We just told you that your boyfriend is cheating on you and your still defending him! If I had known that you were this desperate after I rejected you I would have just given in! Im starting to get embarrassed for you Hermione." Ron yelled back. The entire courtyard was silent until Hermione started laughing. 

"Rejected me? When did you ever reject me Ronald Weasley?" Hermione asked still chuckling. 

"Well I know you have fancied me for years, which is why I never replied to your letters. I didn't want you to think I was interested in a relationship yet." Ron answered with a mocking smile. Hermione just started laughing harder, clutching her stomach. 

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