Chapter 1

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Added a song for everyone to enjoy while reading. A vote is appreciated and lets me know you want more parts :) enjoy.

Cheryl's POV

Everyone knows, or at least says, being gay is very bad. I push the lesbian inside of me down every single day and I get through it. Its painful though, being around people who hate who you are so much, it messes with you. It makes you want to just shrivel up and die. I hate it here, in this stupid town, with these stupid people. This conservative ass town can burn to pieces for all I care, all I want is to not have to worry about being myself.

Today we are getting new students, from the Southside school. Apparently the Serpent gang got chosen to attend Riverdale, great, more horrible people, yay.

It was currently second period, biology, I never paid attention in biology. It just bores me so much like, I don't give a fuck about it at all. I already know what im going to do when I get older, I'm going to move to New York and become a writer.

Anyways, I was in biology, sitting by the stupid boy known as Reggie Mantle, when the most drop dead gorgeous girl walked into the classroom. I swear, my jaw was on the floor.

"Okay class, we have one of the new Southside Students with us, Toni Topaz." The dumbass teacher told all of us. I know I'm supposed to hate the new Southside students but I couldn't help it, she was so beautiful with her pink locks and her beautiful tan skin and glowing brown eyes.

"Damn." Reggie whispered next to me, I rolled my eyes. If this girl was going to date anyone, it'd probably be Reggie of course.

Toni walked to the back of the classroom, choosing a seat by Betty Cooper, aka my cousin. Betty was the only person who knew I was a lesbian. Betty had found out after she found me crying in my room while aggressively writing in my diary. My mother had just told me I couldn't see my old bestfriend anymore, aka my secret girlfriend, because we were disgusting, she had walked in on us kissing on my bed. Betty had come over to drop off something I left at her house, she questioned why I seemed so mad and sad. After she asked that I just spilled everything out in crying mess. I'm so lucky she supports me, I don't know what I would do without my cousin.

I sighed, knowing I couldn't stare at the gorgeous Serpent anymore, as it would seem weird for me to be looking over my shoulder at her.

A few classes later it was PE, Toni and a few of her Serpent friends were in this class with me. Today it was a simple day, just jogging around the track for 20 minutes than having free time playing basketball and football or just walking around the track and sitting on the bleachers. A lot of people never choose to sit on the bleachers though.

After the 20 minute jog I decided to walk around the track, I didn't want to play all those stupid sports. I noticed Toni walking a bit ahead of me. I respectfully looked at her beautiful ass for a few seconds before quietly jogging up to her.

"Hey, Toni right?" I asked the pink haired Serpent.

"Yeah, I'm surprised you're talking to me. You know I'm a Serpent, right?" Toni replied.


"Damn, you're the first student other than my Southside friends to talk to me. What's up?" She smiled slightly, putting her hands in the pockets of her sweatpants.

"I was uh, I was wondering if you would like to...if you would like to go to Pop's with me?" I asked. I honestly had no idea where all this courage was coming from. I've never been this brave, especially to a girl I was interested in.

"Like...a date?" Toni questioned.

"Uh- no just like, just like- uh friends, you know?" I replied nervously.

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