Seeing the loud family

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We finished unpacking most of the things and all the furniture is going to be arriving in two days. After we put the things away we went and looked for a place to eat. We found a place called The Burb and Burgers and ate over there. I sat and waited for my mom to get back from ordering our food and I just sat at a table and took out my phone and was going to check on my old friends from home when something caught my attention.

I heard voices like in like two tables to my right and saw a lot of people that were mostly boys, one girl with white hair but when I looked at her I could be guessing that she was an old lady but when I looked at her carefully I could see that she looked like an 11 year old girl. 'Um I wonder why she has white hair for?' I asked to myself and saw two adults that seemed similar as the boys in the table like as if they are their parents. I was going to see where my mom was at while instead of seeing my mother I saw a boy that looked like if he was around the age of 15 and he was rock an roller and I gotta say that he looks so cute.

After him I saw four other boys and could be guessing that the blonde on with a tank top and shorts could have been 17, after him I saw a boy with sunglasses on his head and it looked like he was about 16 and then I saw a boy that was running about and he scared me and he made me jump a little. "Sorry," was all he said when he got his ball that he was playing with and he could be 13. The last boy that I saw had some type of popet and I could see his teeth and he had braces.

I saw that I liked all the 5 boys and I couldn't stop watching them from getting mostly straws for them and the others, well expect the one that looked like he is 13. My mom then came with the food and I snapped out of it quickly and we ate.

Sorry it took me longer to update this  part even though someone told me to update soon and I said that later on that week I was going to but now I did and I apologize once again but I hop that you guys like this part

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