Moving out

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Y/N p.o.v

I was packing all my belongings in boxes. I was going to move from (home town) to Royal Woods. I was happy that my mom got a job, but I wasn't that happy. It is sad for me that I'm going to leave my friends and it is hard for me to make new ones.
I made a friend meeting telling my friends that in a week I'm going to be moving from here to a place called Royal Woods. I also told them that my mom was having a hard time and she found a new police station in Royal Woods and got accepted. She however also found me a new Elementary school that I'm going to go in 2 weeks. My friends were also happy for my mom, but sad that I was going to be moving out. So, we promised that we will keep in touch and I will tell them when I arrive and land safely.
(Back to the present time)
I was about to take my last box and was about to leave to the car where my mom was at waiting for me and I took one last look inside remembering all the good times I had here with my mom, family and friends. I then closed the door and walked to the car.

My mom drove to the airport and we sat and waited for our plane to be called. "Are you excited for what is going to happen next week?" My mom asked, I just nodded pretending by being happy and a fake smile, but my mom knows when I'm lying. "Yes, I know sweetheart that you are sad, but I know that everything will be ok and you are going to make new friends and you are going to keep in touch with your old ones." My mom is right i will miss my old friends and I will make new ones really soon.

Our plane was called and we walked to the plane and sat in our seats. I put on my favorite songs, but most of all I love this song.

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