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'' I am so hungry, '' I cried out and my stomach growled in agreement. 

A tear slid down my cheek, while an ugly stray cat ran away with the last bit of the kimbap that I bought myself for breakfast. Somewhere behind me, a mother and her kid purposely crossed the street, just so that they wouldn't have to walk past me. 

Honestly, that's completely understandable. If I was a mother, I wouldn't let my kid walk past me either, at least not while I was in this state. Whoever approved these ugly high school uniforms has zero taste and they should be prosecuted for crimes against fashion. If my stylist saw me right now, she wouldn't just run like that mother and her kid - she would simply pass away from the horror. 

'' Maybe, I shouldn't have given the kimbap to that stray cat... But then again, I would probably poison myself if I actually ate it. How can the corner store even sell that stuff? There wasn't any caviar or saffron in it. and- '' I was mumbling to myself and watching the ugly stray cat that carried my kimbap to her ugly stray cat children, until someone suddenly tapped my shoulder. I didn't even think that my problems from earlier that morning could have already caught up with me, but when I turned around - there they were. Three young debt collectors were standing right behind me, catching their breath and still wondering how I managed to outrun them in high heels earlier. 

'' You are wasting your time by chasing me around Seoul, '' I said, smiling and slowly backing away from the three debt collectors. '' I mean, props to you if you like doing all this cardio, but it's useless. I already told you that I don't have any money. Okay, maybe I was lying when I said that earlier, but... I really am telling the truth now! After I got rid of you, I gave my last thousand won bill to a street performer! I couldn't even pay for my bus ticket to school! And then, I got fined for crossing the street at a red light, so I could actually use another loan from you. To pay it back, you know... No? Oh, okay. ''

For a moment, the debt collectors looked like they pitied me and the misfortune that had been following me around since my mother got arrested. One of them was about to open his wallet and hand me the cash that I needed for a bus ticket and the police fine, but his friend quickly stopped him and yelled: '' Don't let her fool you! She is clearly lying! Her and her mother are professional scammers! Our boss will kill us if we let her go again! '' 

The dude was right. This was the fifth time that they appeared and tried to ask me for money. The part about not having enough cash for a bus ticket and getting fined by the police was true, but the only reason why I told them was because I was trying to buy some time and run away again.  

At this point, I could at least learn their names. It would be the polite thing to do. That way, we could stop addressing each other with 'hey you', while we are running around Seoul and causing havoc. 

I sprinted down the street and the trio instantly bolted after me. I was good at running, but I hadn't eaten anything in two days and the hunger was really starting to get to me. I kept looking over my shoulder, to make sure that the debt collectors wouldn't catch me, but I forgot to look at the road and when I was about to cross it, I almost got hit by a motorcycle. Tires screeched against the asphalt, my eyes widened with surprise and I found myself tripping over my own feet and falling on the ground.

I was fully prepared for the motorcycle dude to start yelling, like everyone had been yelling at me since I lost my money, but instead, he picked up the heel that flew away when I fell, gently placed it back on my foot and looked into my eyes. He was wearing a helmet, so I couldn't get a good look at his face, but I still noticed that he was handsome. Very handsome. '' Are you in trouble, Cinderella? ''

I looked over his shoulder and saw one of the debt collectors pull out a knife. My eyes grew wide like saucers and I let out a nervous laugh. '' Maybe just a little bit. ''

'' You're lucky. I am feeling generous today, '' he seriously replied and held his hand in my direction. Something about his deep voice and his confident attitude made me trust him right away. '' Come with me. ''

I grabbed his hand, pulled myself on my feet and climbed on the back of his motorcycle. The debt collectors tried to stop us, but my savior quickly sped off. I didn't even notice how we were wearing the same ugly uniform until he parked his motorcycle in front of our school and I hopped off the back again. 

I thought that he would go to class right away, since we were already a little late, but instead he stayed by my side, watching me take off his helmet and start fixing my hair with the help of the side mirrors of the bike. After giving him another look, it seemed like he was waiting for me to do something and growing progressively more and more irritated, but I had no idea what it was, so I ignored him until he finally lost his patience. He flicked my forehead and angrily grumbled: '' You are welcome, Cinderella... That's right. When someone helps you, you are supposed to thank them. Even I know that and I am Han Seojun- ''

'' Han Seojun, huh? '' I cut him off, stood on my tippy toes and flicked his forehead in return. He blinked with surprise and took a step back. He didn't expect me to do that. When he provoked people, they usually didn't dare to provoke him back. Unless they had a deathwish. '' Thank you for your service today. I will remember your name and replay you appropriately when I become rich again. '' 

He furrowed his eyebrows and tilted his head in confusion. '' Who are you anyway? Your face doesn't look familar. Are you new? I am sure that I would've noticed you before if you weren't. Everything about you is quite... Uh... Noticeable, to say the list.  ''

'' Me? '' I grinned confidently, flipped my hair over my shoulder and held my hand towards him. '' I am Jessica Maria Magdalena Wong. I just enrolled into your high school. If you're in luck, I might even be your comrade. ''

'' Classmate, '' he corrected me and his eyes glimmered in amusement. '' That name is too long and too stupid to remember. I'll just call you Jess. ''

Jess?! Who does he think he is? That would be the same as telling queen Elizabeth of England that you'll just call her Lizzy.

I was about to correct him, but before I could say anything, I suddenly got interrupted by the sound of screaming. Seojun and I both turned our heads in confusion, only to see a group of young fangirls that were running towards us. He cringed and started backing away, while I smiled and happily exclaimed: '' Finally! The celebrity treatment that I deserve! I knew that this reality was too bad to be true- ''

The fangirls roughly shoved me out of the way, so that they could get to Seojun - the real source of their admiration - and for the second time that day, I found myself falling on the ground. I was dangerously close to throwing an actual temper tantrum, but luckily for me, I got saved by an angel. A real angel this time, not someone like Han Seojun, who instantly abandoned me for his fangirls.

'' Are you okay? '' a nervous voice asked. I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful girl leaning over me and watching me with worry. Her eyelids were covered by sparkly eyeshadow, her hair was perfectly curled and there was a shy smile on her lips. '' M-My name is Lim Jugyeong. No one stopped to help you, so I thought that you might be a new student. I am new as well. Do you... Uh... Do you perhaps want to be friends? ''

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