Beloved Complications

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3rd Person POV

"Annabeth, it's been 2 weeks since he's spoken to me. What do I do?" Piper exclaimed in worry to her friend. She was pacing up and down beside the blondes bed in the Athena cabin.

"You're the one that broke up with him, which I still don't understand, and you're the one who was acting like a total bitch while you were together. According to the both of you that is. Why?" Annabeth questioned from her position upside down on her bed.

"I just couldn't handle it anymore! He and I, we're not compatible! I didn't want to hurt his feelings so I figured, if I became the type of person he didn't like he would be forced to break up with me. But he's perfect! He's so accommodating and sweet that I just had to break up with him. I felt like I was leading him on. You won't tell him, will you?"

"Of course not but.... If he's so... Perfect, why didn't it work out between you guys" Annabeth said while she bit her lip and tried to look busy by examining individual strands of her curly blonde hair.

A long silence stretched between them and when Annabeth finally managed to look up she saw the brown haired girl twiddling her thumbs nervously.

"Piper?" She called.

"I-," Piper's voice broke from the tension, "I'm gay," she whispered, "I don't like men. I could see Jason walking around shirtless and all I'll be thinking about is how much better he'd look like with boobs. And then I realize that I don't just want boobs, I want someone who can be romantic and sensitive and not just accommodating. Someone who's thoughtful. Someone who gets me and loves me," she sighed with longing, "I guess all I really want is for someone to love me."

"Oh Piper.... I can be thoughtful."


"I understand you. I can be sensitive. I'll buy you flowers for your birthday and on holidays and I'll even remember what kind of things you like so I can make you happy because I-" her speech broke off suddenly as she was pulled out of the realm of emotions she's was swept into and stepped back onto the reality of life.

"You what?" Piper pressed.

"I like you," Annabeth replied, "I don't love you, not yet but I know that, given time, I could."

Piper didn't need to hear another word as she launched herself at Annabeth to smash their lips in a frenzied kiss.

"Yes Annabeth, please!"

"Please what?" Annabeth teased.

"Be my girlfriend." Piper demanded.





Leo's POV

"Jaaayy~," Leo giggled, "why are we out here?" He questioned in reference to the woods surrounding them.

"I just wanted to get away. Ever since my break-up with Piper, the girls at camp just won't leave me alone. I think I've gotten sick of girls at this point."

"I sure hope so because your not anyone's but mine." Leo said possessively with a joking smile on his face that hid his nervousness.

Jason only chuckled in response before grabbing the small Latino around the waist and pulling him flush against his chest. He leaned down slightly to tickle the squirming boys ear with his breath before he laughed again and whispered,

"Of course I am"

Leo went absolutely red and the tips of his ears began to steam. His hands moved to his tool belt and Jason knew he was going to pull out random items to tinker with in an attempt to change the subject of their conversation. He quickly pinned the nervous boys hands to a nearby tree and trapped him between the tree and his body, quickly shoving a knee between Leo's legs.


"Calm down for a second. I need to know something."

"What is it? Are you ok?"

"I'm fine I just need to know if you are. Fine, with this I mean. What I'm trying to say is..."


"If I kissed you right now, would you freak out?"

Leo hair momentarily caught fire before extinguishing just as quickly.

"Last time we kissed," Leo started before he took a deep breath and continued, "last time we kissed it was you who freaked out. I was worried that you'd.... Stop talking to me. I thought you had done it just to mock me, that you had figured it out. That you'd figured out I..." The Latino couldn't answer as his throat tightened with the fear of possible rejection.

"Leo, I love you too"

Leo looked up at the bright blue eyes in shock. How could he possibly love me? He thought.

"I-I love you." He admitted with hesitance. This was all so backwards.

Suddenly, he felt the press of warm lips to his own melting away all of the fears of rejections and any anxiety he had left. Leo quickly freed his arms and wrap them around Jason's neck while the blond cupped his face. They separated not long after only to have Jason attach his lips to the curly haired boys neck making him sink back against the tree in pleasure.

"Gods Leo, I love you so much," Jason murmured against his neck.

"Like how you loved Piper," Leo questioned insecurely.

"No. Nothing like Piper," Jason replied and Leo felt himself wilt in disappointment, "You're so much better. I never loved Piper, not in a romantic way. Not how I love you" And just like that all the sadness was gone and Leo felt secure in his future. I guess that's what love does to you.

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