Shadow Traveling

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Disclaimer: yeah I forgot this in the first chapter but oh well... I don't own PJO or HOO for reasons.

So yeah, it's like, 2 in the morning right now and I can't sleep so why not type out a short chapter? I'm serious, this one is going to be super short. I think. I haven't typed it out yet. It all depends on how much of this I want to put in Nico's POV.

Nico's POV ((haha that looks so repetitive))

Shadow travel is a blessing and a curse.

On one hand, it's the fastest way to travel anywhere and you don't have to put up with annoying people sitting next to you for hours on end.

On the other hand, it's extremely draining and I always feel kind of drunk afterwards. No really, I'm sure I could handle actually being drunk with how I've mastered appearing completely in control of myself after I shadow travel. And the only reason I'm so effected by it is because I'm using my own energy to transport myself places rather than getting myself a pet hellhound ((cough, cough, cough, hack, wheeze)) to do it for me. Unlike others.

So yeah, shadow traveling sucks but it gets me places. I guess it's kind of like driving a really ugly car that you never want to be seen in but that new book just came out and no one will take you to go buy it.

So you feel my pain.

I'm currently slouched against a giant brown tree, the kind with those leafy things, in the woods trying to not pass out after shadow traveling from one side of the United States to the other. Stupid, huh? Well how else was I supposed to get back to CHB? Walk? Swim? Ew. No, that's for peasants. I'd rather just sit here, under my tree, while I try to figure out where I ended up.

The magical boundaries have always screwed me up. Of course, once I'm in camp I can pinpoint an exact location, no problem. If I'm traveling into camp, well, I don't always end up where I was planning to go.

So here I am. In the middle of the woods. Where the monsters are.

To put it into simpler words for the mortals here, I'm screwed.

That is, until I hear voices and I think, thank the gods for internal monologues or I might have gone crazy waiting for someone to show up.

At first I can't really tell what they're saying or who it is that's talking so, being the curious son of Hades I am, I get closer to the voices. I still can't decide if that was a mistake or not.

"Percy, you've changed, but that's ok. I think that maybe it's time for us to go our separate ways, and maybe one day you'll realize, just how much you love him," Wait, him? My ears had instantly perked up when I heard Percy's name and I recognized the voice to be a girls at least. The only logical person it could be was Annabeth.

"Annabeth.." Haha, called it, "Wise Girl, please don't do this," Don't do what?

"Percy, don't ever forget that I love you but your heart isn't mine anymore and that's ok. Just, promise me we will always be best friends?"

"I promise."




Did that really just happen?

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