Smash Hit

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"I'm surprised your mom let ya come today, Reekid."
"More like bribed. She wouldn't let me, I had to convince her to let me."
"Ah. I see. What'd ya give her?"
"Nothing. I told her that if I'm gone, and dad is on a business trip, that she will have nothing but silence until my brother get's home from school. I told her that last night. Yup, she was on board in seconds."
"Ah. Makes sense. I would do the same if I had kids and one of them was in your shoes."
"What's on the agenda for today, mate?"
"Uh, falling into the trend of VR vs RL."
"Ah. That's it?"
"You telling me that you don't want to ree in front of the guys?"
"I will always ree in every video. At least twice."
"Anyone else gonna be there today?"
"Smashing took his own car today. He should be there. He said he left from his house about half an hour ago."
"Ah. Anyone else?"
"Uh... none that I can thing of. Swagger might join in over VR later, maybe Kristy. I can't think of anything else."
"No, Eddie and Gabby got some thing happening right now. I'm kind of out of the loop right now, dude."
"I believe it, dude. I heard Gaege say something about a stolen computer."
"Right. Eddie's sister is in the hospital."
"What? The fuck, mate. How can you say that so casually? What even made you think about that?"
"His shit was stolen and whoever took it beat his sister."
"Doesn't he have, like two? Which one was it?"
"I don't know, I didn't ask."
"Is she alright?"
"Uh, no. She's in the hospital."
"Oh shit."
"Yeah. But that is all I know."
"Ah. How's Eddie handling it?"
"I think he's handling it as well as he can. I know he doesn't want to leave just yet."
"Yeah, well I hope he doesn't have to go back early."
"Who knows."
"Is Gabby alright? Was she in the house too?"
"No, she was suppose to go do something somewhere."
"You suck at paying attention."
"Shut up and tell me this. Anything you want to do while all the boys are here?"
"My uncle got the license to kill roos."
"Limited to three. Your uncle know that?"
"Yes? Maybe, I don't know. Point is, he recently got one that has been... doing something in his yard, I don't remember. We should try kangaroo meat at some point."
You ever try kangaroo meat, mate?"
"No. It was looked down on to kill roos when I was a kid, aye. As an adult, didn't seem like a good idea."
"It's pretty good."
"There's actually a shop in Adelaide that sells kangaroo meat."
"My uncle sold some kills to that guy last year. Some good prices."
"Why are you paying attention to that kind of thing?"
I want my roo culling license."
"You aren't old enough."
"I know, Mully, but I plan on getting one when I am. My uncle has been showing me the ropes. I need to know what the hell I'm doing to get the license in the first place, fucking cunt. I've learned a lot. Even got to help him skin one."
"Holy shit."
"What-oh shit!"
The roads up ahead on our side of highway, right after the exit, was being blocked off by a bunch of police cars.
Beyond them, a little ways down, there looked to be a three car pile up.
"Uh, Mully?"
"That car samwiched between the two looked like Smashing's car."
"What? Shit. We gotta pull over and go back up."
"Or call him and if he doesn't answer then we go back up there."
"Good point."
"Efficiency in Decency. Someone said that somewhere."
"Okay. Calling Smashing."
And I hope he picks up.
One dial tone.
Answering machine.
"Son of bitch. Okay, come on."
I hope that if that was Smashing, he's alright. I would feel fucking awful if he got hurt like that. I told him I'd give him a ride if he wanted. He told me no. I should have insisted.
"I count a total of four officers at the bereicaid, two ambulances. And... the jaws of life thing. Meaning they either pulled someone out and are taking them to the infirmary, or they are dead."
"Hold up. There is another car that looks like Smashing's. The back one. Do you think they'll let us through?"
"Probably not, Mully."
"Let's try. S'cuse me, sir."
"Uh, our friend drives a car that looks like two of those cars. Wh-What was the situation here?"
"Woman fell asleep at the wheel and hit the rail of the bridge. Some dumbass pulled over in the middle of the damn road to help them out, and then two other cars smashed into her. All went to the hospital except one. Don't know 'is name."
"Can we go through?"
"Danny, walk with them."
"Got it, Belly. Let's go, gents."
I stand corrected. I guess they will let us through. Fucking weird.
The woman lead us towards the emergency vehicle that was left. I could only see a few officers and EMS people.
"There he is."
"Why is he in the police car? Son of a bitch."
"He was the only one on scene that could talk. He isn't in trouble, but we gotta know what happened and we have to get this shit cleaned up before the next line of traffic."
"Ah, fuck. Can we talk to him real quick?"
"Uh, 'fraid not, mate. Sorry."
"Fine. How long will this all take?"
"Between thirty minutes to an hour."
"Alright. Reekid, I'm taking you over to Josh's and I'll come back and pick him up from the station. Officer Danny?"
"Can you tell our friend in there that I'll be back to pick him up?"
"Thanks. Come on reekid."
I'm glad he's okay. Who the fuck parked in the middle of the damned highway to help someone. Who was the idiot?
"Reekid, here's a driving tip. If you plan on helping someone and ya need to stop, park on the side of the road."
"Right. Got it. Because I would be nice enough to do that."
"Trust me. If you see someone smash head first into a rail or something, you'll want to help."
"Hey, Smashing is waving at us."
"Hey, ya cunt."
"Do you really think he isn't in trouble?"
"He isn't hand cuffed. I'm sure he'll be fine. Thanks, Officer Danny. Have a good day."
"You better call Josh. Let him know what's happening."
"No, fucking way. I would have never thought of that."
"Just saying."
"I will as soon as we get back to the car."
Nothing else is allowed to happen. Please, nothing else happen this week.

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