Eyes on the Prize

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"She's awake?"
"Sí. And besides a foggy vision and a bad memory of what happened, she's alright."
"Tan bueno escuchar eso hamara."
"Gracias hamara."
"Sí. Audios harmono. Te mantendré informado."
"Gracias, Jen."
Glad my big sister's alright.
"What's up, Eddie?"
"My sister woke up this morning, Sam."
"That's great to hear, man. Anything from her end?"
"That's the off putting part. Jen said that she couldn't remember much from the incident. So we don't know much."
"Wait, Jen? I thought your sister's name was Brenda."
"Gaege, I have two sisters. Brenda was the one who got beat into unconsciousness. Jen was the one who called me."
"Sorry, a lot has kind of happened, dude. Still got my mind on what Josh said. Speaking of, where is Josh?"
"Uh, I don't know. Sam?"
"He's waiting outside for Reekid and Mully. Do we know if Smashing is okay?"
"According to Josh, Mully said that Smashing was in the cop car. So outside of a few bumps and scratches, he's fine."
"What else can go wrong, guys?"
"Anything and everything can go wrong, Gaege. Have you not learned that when you say that, shit gets fucky?"
"Touché, Sam. Touché."
"I'm glad that nobody we know got truly injured. I know Brenda is in the hospital right now, but, I mean, she could be dead. We can fix one, we can't fix the other."
"True, Dawg. I don't regret taking the trip, I do regret posting about it. But you're right. I'm glad she's overall okay."
The front door swung open slowly and in walked both Josh and Reekid.
"Ah. It's Reekid, y'all. The party has officially started. What's good, man?"
"What's up, Gaege. Morning guys."
"It's twelve thirty, Dawg."
"Shut up, Eddie."
"Ha, good to have you here, Reekid."
"Yeah, Sam."
"We gonna get this party started then? Or are we gonna try to wait for Mully and Smashing?"
"No, we are gonna record Reekid's idea while we wait for them to come back. So let's get ready to record. Everyone ready for this shit?"
"Actually, I've got something to say real quick. I didn't tell Mully about it, but I'm warning you guys while most of us are here. Mully and I were being followed on our way out here. He didn't notice, but I did."
"I don't believe you."
"And technically, Josh, you don't have to, but listen. Just in case. Don't need any more shit happening. I saw a white low-ride, five seater. It followed us all the way up until we got to the street. As we pulled up beside the house I looked back and I saw it going the other way. I saw two heads, but beyond that I saw nothing. No faces, no hair, nothing. The windows were too fucking tinted to see anything. Just... everyone be careful."
Sam looks like I do right now. The only one not really phased is Gaege. What crazy shit has he seen?
"Thanks for scaring the boys, Reekid. Everyone calm down. We're gonna be fine. There's a total of twelve low riders in Adelaide alone."
Hmm. Reekid's got a point, though. I don't want to get into danger when my sister just got out of it.
"It'll be okay, Eddie. Come on, Mate."
"Right, Josh."
"Come on, guys. Let's not dwell on this shit right now. We got another task at hand until Mully and Smashing get here. We are gonna try something special."
"If it's like fairy bread, Josh, I will lose my shit."
"No, it's something else, Gaege. But it is food."
"I am pretty hungry, guys. What are we trying?"
Uh, Kangaroo meat. It's culling season. We gotta order it. I'll go and get it from the butcher. Reekid knows how to prepare it. Right, mate?"
"On the stove, yeah. Let's get this shit started."
Damn, Gaege. Did China hear you?
"I thought that hunting Kangaroo was frowned upon here, Josh."
"Well, Sam, it depends on where you go. I don't think it's a problem as long as it's prepared right. I've had it before. Pretty good."
"Yeah, some people look at it the same way some people look at eating cow or deer. Ever look that shit up? Yes. It can be bad, but no, around here, it isn't frowned upon... for the most part. You'll be fine."
"But you can get sick if it's not prepared right."
"Right. What Reekid said."
"I don't need another stomach infection or anything, Reekid. Are you sure you know what you're doing?"
"Yeah, Sam. Hey, look, if I don't and you need another enema, I will help you with it."
"Have to decline, Reekid, my dude. You are still a kid. Call me when you're eighteen."
"Shut up. Potential kidnapping is starting to sound pretty good right now."
"You and I both know that's not the case. I was only kidding. Let's get this started, yeah?"
"Sure. Starts with Reekid and I going to get the meat. Let's role out, Reekid."
"Well, while they're gone, I'm going swimming."
"I'll join, ya, Sam."
"Alright, Gaege. Eddie?"
"No. Gracias, amigos, but I'm gonna stay inside. See if I hear back from anyone."
"Alright, man. Come on Gaege."
"Let's get it, Son!"
This is all getting so fucking ridiculous. What happened? It's like we try to all meet up and our fans go crazy.
I can't say that. The mass majority are fine. But the minority group of people are becoming a problem. Like, what if the fanfic writers went crazy? Or maybe the artists. Or even out haters. Oh no, I hope not. Fucking nightmares. Ah!
"Maybe Josh is right. It's probably nothing."
But that creepy feeling isn't going away.

*Author's note: Look, I feel compelled to state this as the story continues. But this is just a story. I don't know these guys, and I never will. I may be trying for accuracy, but I will definitely get sh*t wrong. I'm far from perfect, a little naive with knowledge of other countries, I base the characters between the reality they set on their channels and then the way I want them to work and function. I'm reminding those who read this because I won't give a flying f*ck if you leave angry comments or message me. Don't like it? Don't read it.

Also, my sh*tty spanish has returned. My bad about that.

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