Twenty Twenty

19 3 0


There it is again. Sweet mother of mercy. Four people again. The license plate light went out the first time they drove by. So either all variants of the car that Reekid described are having the exact same problems, or this is the same fucking car. Four people in the car, tinted windows. Holy shit they are stopping in front of the house. They shouldn't be able to see me, I barely have the curtains opened. No, wait, they are going away. Good.
"Shh. Shit, man. Calm down. What are you doing up? Whoa, you got a knife. Where did you get a knife that size?"
"By magic. Josh, dude, I'm getting worried over what Reekid said, man."
"You've got to be joking right now, mate. It's two in the fucking morning."
"Yeah. It's two in the morning, Josh. Why are you awake? The guys were sleeping soundly, I've just been sitting here by the window, minding my own business. You just had to come out here and ruin it."
"Insomnia. I wasn't lying about that, dude."
"Will you two shut the fuck up."
"Sí, trying to sleep."
"Come on, Sam. Let's go to my office."
Better bring my journal with me. Got some important shit in it.
"Close the door behind you."
"Now what's up, mate? You don't usually worry like this."
"I'll show you. Here look at this."
"What is it?"
"My journel. I like to summarize my day. Especially bad days when... not what we need to talk about. Look at the page."
"A bunch of little lines and then the word 'sum' with a one. That's all I see."
"How many lines, man?"
"Yup. Those are tally marks."
"Of what?"
"Of a white lowrider with windows so tinted you can only see outlines. I counted how many times I saw a car like Reekid's description."
"Come on, Sam. There-"
"Are however many lowriders like that in Adelaide alone. I remember you saying that. But see, that sum 1 in the book was the license plate. Same one every time, I think. The license plate light went out as they past by the first time, but the light was out everytime they passed by after. The only difference is that Reekid said he saw only two. That specific car had four people."
"See, not what Reekid saw. And you know how Reekid can be. He was probably talking out his ass. Everything is fine."
"Four people versus two isn't better, it's worse. Think about it like this. More people is more overwhelming. It takes one or two to scout the situation. However it takes four to six to overtake."
"Your military is showing again, Sam."
"I know. I learned. You watch for the scouts. Scouts came in two to threes. But when they come back with more it's a sign of a battle in the making. Josh, this is bad for us. They doubled their army and they are coming for us. We have to be ready."
"So a couple of fans know where I live. Why do you-"
"They literally stopped right outside the house on the street, Josh. This is more than just some mildly obsessed fan. They are intending on doing something and it will involve us."
"Sam, just... go back to bed."
"This isn't going to go away, dude."
"Yes it will. I haven't had a problem when I started YouTube, I wasn't when you guys came by, and I won't when you all go home. Everything is fine, mate. Just go back to bed."
"I'm gonna go back out there, but I won't go back to bed, alright. All I want to do is ensure that my friends are safe. I'm gonna do it. We can end up dead, man. They could kill us if they hate us enough or if we don't follow their instructions. And that's the worst of it. Fans can be crazy. What if there's one that has lost their sense of reality and then tries to throw Gaege off a building."
"You have lost your sense of reality. Calm down."
"You don't get it do you?"
"I guess not. I just got up in the first place to go and edit stuff when I couldn't sleep."
"Why couldn't you sleep? Was it really your insomnia or was it actually the fear of a possible kidnapping?"
"Nope, just my insomnia. I'm not afraid of some crazy fan. Besides, there aren't many signs."
"There doesn't have to be. Kidnapping can be spontaneous, man. I'm not going going bed. I'll see you in the morning."
"Alright, mate."
Gaege and Eddie believe me. Why does Josh have to be so stubborn.
Back in the living room I saw Gaege sitting up against the wall while Eddie was curled on the floor.
"Gaege? You alright?"
"Yeah, man. It took me a while to fall asleep in the first place. I'll probably be up for the rest of the night."
Gaege stood up and tiptoed over to me and peered out the curtains.
"Just the chaos of it all. What are we going to do, Man? Oh, here they come again."
Hmm? Yeah, there they are. They aren't coming to a stop, though. Josh has his light now, though, so they are probably afraid to get too close.
"Make that eleven times."
"They past by twice while you two were in his office."
"It's gonna be a long night."
"Mind if I join you, dude?"
"No, go on and get a chair from the kitchen, bud."
Geez. What would we be able to do if there were enough people to overwhelm us.
It took a few minutes, but Gaege came back with a stool and sat down next to me.
"So, what is the plan?"
"Don't worry, Gaege. We'll think of something."
I hope.

Author's note: Juicy got a second channel. Big Juicy is the name. He and his insane friends tried a spicy thing for the first video. Poor dumbasses.
Also, the image is from Stephanie Santos. She got the hair changed for Narrator. So adorable. She did a good job. Go follow her on Twitter. DO IT NOW, PLEASE!!!

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