Chapter 6

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A/n- this chapter might be a little confusing. Imma try to make not confusing.

Miyah POV

It's really funny how they left plant boy just sitting here on the cold floor. Amora just wanted to save Danariy and no one else. I'm going to kill Amora. I could just kill Danariy but no she is already suffering enough.

Miyah- Oh Chase wake up

Chase- uh what? WHERE AM I?

Miyah- calm down, your just back in the flower shop

Chase- what why?

Miyah- I'm just going get right to the point, kill Amora

Chase- why?

Miyah- because~

A huge blue light washed over the whole house. Danariy was up, she looked like she wasn't just attached. Chase got up he was no longer pale. Amora did this, that little, wait this is good.

Miyah- Chase change of plans your going to take Amora on a picnic tommorow in the wood then kill her.

Chase- do I get help?

Miyah- yes you do Chase, Fira, Martin, and Poppy

I left Chase there to get the others I need for my plan. Fira is going to wake Amora up in the morning and lead her to her  death. Martin is going to turn into a crowned eagle. Poppy and her demon Friend is going to join together to make her stronger.

Amora POV

Fira literally dragged me out of my bed and made me get dressed. I didn't really feel like going on a date with Chase. Not that I don't like him, I'm just not an early bird.

With out the purse

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With out the purse

As we were walking inti the woods I seen this big ass crowned eagle. When I was younger a crowned eagle tried to attach me. So I'm terrified of them, let that thing come close imma hurt it.

We got closer to the spot but I felt uneasy. Chase a cute picnic set up but it just didn't feel right. I felt like I was being set up in a way. I just pushed the negative thoughts out of my head.

Chase POV

Poppy- I'll go hide in the shadows

Chase- ok go there almost here

Martin- Miyah told me she is scared of Crowned eagles so I'm turning into that

Chase- go hide she is almost here

Dam Amora looked so beautiful today. To bad I have to kill her. Fira turned around and hide behind a tree. Amora looked nervous, which she should be. I would be nervous too if I was about to die.

Amora POV

I walked up and sat in the little car on the opposite side of Chase. I don't know why I felt like someone was watching me. Chase grabbed my hand and kissed it.

Chase- you look gorgeous today

Amora- thank you Chase

Chase- tell me a little bit about yourself

Amora- ummmm ...... I grew up with a single mom .

Chase- oh that's sad, you are lucky though.

Amora- how am I lucky

Chase- because at least your mom wanted you, my parents left me by a tree, a little old lady found me and raised me.

While Chase was talking I looked around. I seen the girl from yesterday. I guess there trying to kill like they did Danariy. Not today honey. You might've had the right idea but the wrong bitch. All of a sudden I catch something that was coming behind me. It was that dumb eagle. I look down and vines are wrapping around my leg. I'm bleeding, the vines have thorns. I'm unfazed though. The bird turns into a gorilla and chunks me across the forest.

Poppy is right behind me, but she looks different. Before I could react Poppy is entering my body. I feel like my organs are being ripped out of me. I managed to look up and a hug ball of flames are head towards my face.

I'm in a white room with no one. I'm scared but I don't know of what. Then I feel someone behind me. I turn around and see a male. He walks over to me, I look like him a lot. He hugs me and holds me, then I realized I'm only 5.

Chase POV

As the fire ball was bout to hit Amora rose up. She was floating in air. Poppy gets thrown out of her body, but when she is bout to hit the ground she lands softly. Poppy is being held down so is Martin and Fira. Wait I'm being held down too.

A beem of blue light that kinda look like blue flames come shooting out of Amora. I no longer want to kill her. I look up and she is gone. I look around and every one else looks hella confused.

We all walk back to the house. Mother is standing outside. She doesn't look happy.

Mother- I seen the blue light again where is Amora?

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