Chapter 5

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A/n- Miyah up at the top

Jaden POV

I ran out side to see if Danariy was ok. I just wanted friends that's all. Until Miyah popped up in my head. I froze right there I was in my old bed room.

Miyah sat in my old gaming chair turned towards me. I ran to her trying to hug her because I missed her very much. But she disappeared now she was on my bed.

Miyah- slow your role buddy

Jaden- what why?

Miyah- I want you to kill her

Jaden- who?

Miyah- Danariy, Jaden don't play dumb with me

Jaden- but~

Miyah- no buts, if you want to see me again kill her

This time her eyes turned blue when she told me to kill Danariy. She was in my head, She was controlling me. Miyah walked up to me and kissed me. Not for long though.

Miyah- you wanna see me again and make that kiss longer kill Danariy,  Jaden understand

Jaden- yes Miyah 

Libby POV

I was teaching my fox friend how to stand up for himself. Because all the other animals were being big bullies to him.

Then Jaden uses his power to hurt Danariy.   I run over and jump on his back trying to stop him. He just electrics me making me go into shock. I see Elle and Even in one corner running up to us. In the other I see a very angry Bear and mad pack of wolves.  There all running towards Jaden.

I have no Idea what Jaden is capable of so try to call off my friends. I can't get words out though.

I am in my old backyard were I met Howey. But he is no where around just a very pretty girl. She was sitting in a tire swing.

Girl- aww the little baby is trying to be the hero.

Libby- who the hell are you

Girl- I'm Miyah nice to meet you Libby

Libby- what am I doing here?

Miyah- tell your animal friends to help Jaden or they die understand

Her eyes turned blue while saying that. I'm back in the back yard of the house in the woods. Before my friends can attach Jaden I call them off.


They turn and start attaching Danariy. Blood is flying everywhere. Elle and Even are also attaching Danariy. I pass out.

Amora POV

I walk into my room only to fall on to the floor. My heart is acting up again. I close my eyes and I'm in the back yard.

It's a girl standing there smiling. I ain't never seen her before. Then all of a sudden my back is turned towards every body else. I have my arms wrapped around Danariy.  Then a a bolt of lighting hits my back but is doesn't hurt.

I feel like someone is trying to get in my head but I won't let them through. A pack of wolf's and a very angry brown bear attached me but nothing hurted. All of sudden me and Danariy are lifted in the air being squeezed to death. Not really because it's not affecting me or Danariy.

I look at the mystery girl who looks angry.

I open my eyes and me and Danariy are in the basement. Mother and Shy turn and look at us. Mother is mad mad.

Amora- umm before you get mad someone tried to hurt Danariy out side

Mother turned back into her regular form and looked at me like she wanted me to keep talking.

Amora- so I like did my little power moves and saved Danariy because Jaden, Libby, Elle, and Even were trying to hurt her

Mother- Minions go bring those 4 to me now .

Amora- NO WAIT, when I was out there, there was this girl who was trying to get in my head but I didn't let her. So I'm guessing she got into there heads and made them do what they did.

We heard the 4 screaming for Danariy to come back. I looked at her and she looked so weak. Mother just nodded her head. The Minions walked over to Chase and undid him from the tubes and wires. Then they came and took Danariy from me and hooked her up to the tubes and wires.

Mother- I still want the 4

My heart did it again and I was in the living with the 4. I wrapped my arms around all 4 of them because I didn't want them to get hurt. The demon Minions came up with my body, dragging it by its hair. Mother and shy came up behind them. Shy went towards the dinning room.

Mother- Amora comeback to your body or we with kill it, you can't save every body

I didn't budge because I wasn't about to loose my friends over a crazy 15 year old girl. Then one of the demon Minions took his large ass claws and stuck it in my body. The other ripped my head off.

Oh hell Nah my body. Now I was getting mad.

I'm not that sure what happened that day. I woke up in my bed in my room. My whole body in tak. Fira was standing over me with a huge smile.

Amora- why you so smiley this morning

Fira- because Chase asked me to ask you to meet him somewhere in the woods today.

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