chapter 16

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Fira POV

Time froze and everything just kept going fast. My life was flashing before my eyes. From my dad burning me infront of his friends to me delivering the stupid package. Then Amora's dad popped up in my head. He was chained up and screaming for help, blood was every where. Amora walked into the dark room laughing.

He was holding a bag in her hands. She pulled my head out of the bag. Then pulled one of my eyes out and ate it. She put it on a metal stake on the wall right beside Martins head. I felt a tear fall from my eye. How could she do that. Then I realized everyone else's head was on the wall too. Even Chase's head was up there, his eyes and mouth was sewed shut.

Amora knelt down to her father and gently put her hand on his face. Claws started to grow on her. He teeth got sharper and her eyes turned a darker shade of blue. Wings with spikes grew from her back. Horns like the devil came growing from her head. I realized her father was getting weaker and weaker by the second. I looked around to see everyone else standing by me crying watching everything go down. She whispered something in his ear in a different language.

Amora- Eu sou I diabo

Father- let me go you MONSTER

Amora- No

Amora- tchau

As she walked out of the room he screamed to be let go. As soon at the door closed these devil like ladies came crawling out of the dark. The were whispering eat under their breaths. Next thing I'm back in Dave's house.

I look over towards Martin and he looks scared and shocked. Danariy and Libby come running from outside into the kitchen where me and Martin are. Edward and Shy come from the library room. The twins come from upstairs into the kitchen. They all have the same look as Martin. Libby is crying and Howard is trying to comfort her.

Fira- I'm guessing you all see Amora turn into the devil

The all stay quiet and give me that look like yeah we seen it. All the doors and windows fly open and the sky turns dark red. Father walks in from the back door looking  around. Then he stops and look at us all like he is counting us.

Father- where are the other 5

Libby - we don't know?

A woman's voice comes from behind us and scares us. We turn around and see a woman sitting on the counter eating a apple. She jumps down and walks closer.

Woman- they are in a alternate universes Brother

Father- hello Janelle little sister, bring them back

Janelle- sorry brother can't do that

Father- why is that

Janelle- you will take Amora and Miyahs hearts and crush them so you can get stronger

All father do is smile then in a quick movement he takes Janelle's heart and crush it. She disintegrates into dust. Libby starts crying harder, so I grab her and hold her close. At this point we don't know who to trust. Mother is gone and Amora might turn against us all and kill us. No telling where Dave is. A baby started crying I'm guessing it's Mother. Father was quick to going and getting her.

Father- I want my daughters you cunt

He flew back with Mother in is arms of of the house. Poppy walked in then Chase and Jaden. They all had blood on them, they immediately fell to the floor as they entered the house. Amora and Miyahs were nowhere to be seen.

The same demon like women that we all seen came crawling into the house. This time they had chains around their neck. They were whispering eat like the last time. Edward and Shy fell to the floor covering their ears in pain. Blood was leaking out of them. Shy was whispering something but no one could hear her. The demon girls were looking dead at her like they were going to attack.

All of a sudden the leaped at her,but the chains stopped them from getting to her. They were growling and trying so hard to get to her. Evan got She up and tried taking her away from the girls but all the doors that lead out of the kitchen closed and locked.

Elle- what the fuck is happening

Amora- I'll tell you what is happening if y'all want to listen

We all turned around and seen Amora standing there with Miyah, but Miyah was holding her head. Amora smiled at us and started back talking.

Amora- I'm the devil

We all started walking out side. I couldn't control my body she was controlling us all. We all started floating in the air, even Poppy, Jaden and Chase was floating. They looked lifeless. Amora was in right there with us in the circle. Mother was in the middle.

My heart was exploding, but slowly. I could barely breathe and my eye sight stared to go away. A huge crack broke in the ground and all kinds of demon creatures came out. My powers was getting sucked out of me.

I guess this is the end

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