" Can i trust you?"

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Jimin is so happy which seems weird considering that he hasn't been happy for so long and he realized that it is because of Yoongi

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Jimin is so happy which seems weird considering that he hasn't been happy for so long and he realized that it is because of Yoongi. They were left alone and Jimin couldn't get the lipstick thing that happened in the morning.

-  Y-yoongi, can I ask you something (Jimin said quietly)
"Yes I guess, what is it?
-It will sound silly but do you think bad of me? "What do-"
- When  you saw me in the morning did you think bad of me right!? (Jimin suddenly raised his voice which sounded in pain)

"Oh I see, no Jimin  it was nice. I am not a big fan of makeup but it suits you.Also I already dislike you so no need to worry."
-Now that you smiled to me I don't think that dislike me that much hm?

"Stop acting all soft, it's not that I care tho.. *Yoongi  thought *(Before he could say something out loud Jimin shoot him with the sweetest smile and kept walking)

"What the f-" *Yoongi thought*
- Yoongi-ah! Can I trust you? (Jimin  said with  afraid tone on his voice) Since you stayed with me.. Can I? (Yoongi was ready to give a mean answer when he noticed the way Jimin was shaking he changed his mind

"Y-YES you can" (Even tho it was weird for Yoongi , Jimin didn't know him well enough how can he trust him, but he went along with it)
- Then play a music please.( Jimin said while looking so scared but at the same time excited)
" What music ?"

- Can your play the song called Serendipity.
^* I want to trust you*^ ( Jimin said with a low voice )

Yoongi openes his phone and types the song Jimin said. Not knowing why ,he plays it and before he could even ask he raises his head looking at Jimin. Then he understood that Jimin was dancing. Just Jimin dancing in a empty room. Yoongi slowly puts down the phone glaring at Jimin in shock . Since it's raining and it's cold he could see "clouds of cold " coming from Jimin that made him look like an angel. Amazed at Jimin's dance he smiles all happy.On the other side Mr.Park has finally come to take Jimin when he noticed how quiet the place was. But he could still hear music coming from the building. He goes inside looking around.

^*! Did they leave? Why it's so quiet *^ (Mr.Park said to himself. After looking everywhere he finds it. But to his surprise he saw Jimin. Dancing in the middle while the boy he met in the morning stares at him.He goes away from the door and raises his eyebrows. Mr.Park hasn't seen Jimin dance in years now he even thought Jimin gave up since that day. The day mrs.Park made him. After thinking he heard the music stop. )

" OH MY GOD YOU IDIOT!" ( Yoongi says and gets up. Jimin stays still looking at him confused and worried)

- I am?
" Yess ! That was so beautiful i am shocked right now ! Are you a ballet dancer?? I had a friend who-"

" Jimin,son." ( Mr.Park interrupts. Jimin was smiling  happy till he heard his father voice.)

- Dad?
" Uhhh Hi boys, why are you two alone ?"
" Mr.Park your son is- "
- We finished early today. Yoongi stayed with me since i was waiting you. ( Jimin said looking at Yoongi worried. For Yoongi was enough to understand his signal so he just nodded and took his phone)

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