"Birthday Gift"

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They didn't realize that they have been talking all night

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They didn't realize that they have been talking all night. Jimin was smiling like an idiot at his phone screen, he was so focused on the conversation that he didn't even realize the cold breeze that was coming from the window next to him making his nose and ears slightly red. They were talking about the snow, Jimin loved it so he took so many photos next to his window sending them all to Yoongi, little did he know that what caught Yoongi's attention was the all red boy in the photos,Jimin. When they decided that it was finally time for them to get some sleep Yoongi mentioned that he wasn't going to practice in the morning it was his birthday and he didn't celebrate so he just decided to take a rest day. Jimin didn't say anything but of-course he wasn't going to let him pass his day like that.


After they both left their phones, Yoongi fell asleep but Jimin was just in peak happiness

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After they both left their phones, Yoongi fell asleep but Jimin was just in peak happiness.
- Wow! He isn't that scary *giggles* and it's his birthday.. his birthday! Will I do something? Yeah, Yeah I would never leave him without a birthday present! Jimin couldn't stop thinking, he was too excited to even sleep. Having to feel that happy in ages, he almost forgot that feeling. He was still mad with his mom though, so he decided to get up from his bed and take a shower now since everyone was asleep.
After he got out of shower, got dressed he went to his room, he bent down to reach a box that was hidden under his bed. He quickly put on some lipstick and his flower & cherries perfume, his favorite. He took a quick glance on the phone screen only to realize that the time had passed and his mother would wake up. He grabbed his jacket and ran outside, leaving the box on his bed.

-Jmin-shi!!! *Jungkook said*
-Ohh sorry, so i am going to text Yoongi so he can come right?
- Yes yes! Wait..you haven't text him YET?
- Relax! I  just did! I am sure that he won't ignore this one.


-Wait what did you say to him? If you can ask

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-Wait what did you say to him? If you can ask..
- Uhhh sorry Jimin, NO.
-No? *tilts head*
-Yeah, no. Look, don't get me wrong but if I tell you he will beat my a$$. Anyway one day you will find out like I did...

-JK!JK! He texted me! He will come!! Thank you even though I have one last request hehe. Can you give me a ride? Yoongi mentioned a ring that he really liked and i wanna get it for him.
-Yes,yes I see you are going for the romantic way *smirk*.
-Just a small gift, since he is my friend * playing with his fingers*.

After they bought the ring and some extra stuff they needed, they headed back to the practice building. To their surprise yoongi was already there.

-You really made him fly here kookie.
-I know right.I wasn't expecting him that early.
-Good morning.(Yoongi said with a morning kind of deep voice)
-Hyung good morning! Jimin and I bought..
-Jungkook-ah!!! Don't! Shush! Yoongi good morning how did you sleep?

-Hmm, i only slept two hours what do you mean?! You two kids woke me up! *sighs*
-Uh, why only two hours? "First Jimin being tired and now Yoongi,were these two talking last night?*.

-I had insomnia! So I couldn't sleep. ( Yoongi said while staring at a smiling Jimin)
-And you Jimin-shi?
-M-me? I fell asleep early...
-You sure?
-Yes, I went to sleep early, very early.

-So why did you two bring me here? For practice? To say a hi? Do I go? (Yoongi said while scratching his head and looking around) -Hyung since you hate eating outside we can eat here? Before that we will go bowling and then ice skating!
-Nah. I don't approve that
-Ehh..no one cares! Jimin and I have prepared it so it will happen
-It will be fun don't worry! (Jimin said trying to convince Yoongi, and with such puppy eyes it was impossible to say no)

After spending the entire day playing and laughing around they went back to the practice building. Yoongi and Jimin were still laughing about the iconic moment of Jungkook falling down trying to skate. Jungkook was quite kind of embarrassed about that moment but also happy that they were laughing.

-You two keep laughing, I will get the food.
-Yoongi, I hope that i didn't make you mad today..
-Why would you?
-You know with this all of a sudden plan, and I made you celebrate without knowing why you wouldn't.
-This is my first time celebrating it is not that I stopped
-First? oh,I am sorry for assuming i didn't know...
-Hyung please sit on the chair (Jungkook said, coming back with the food)
-Why? Let me help.
*Moves Yoongi's hand away* - Yoongi-ah please!
-I swear i have never been this patient in my life! (Yoongi said while looking around try to understand what they were preparing)
Jimin went to turn the lights off, after some whispering Jungkook finally lit up the candles and now Yoongi can finally see Jimin holding the cake. A beautiful face...lightens by the warm light of the candles. The boys started singing the happy birthday, Yoongi was in his own world still amazed by the idea of a person giving him such a beautiful present, the smile that was on Jimin's face was a blessing to Yoongi's eyes but was soon to be awake back to reality by;
-Yoongi-ah make a wish.
" Now blow the candles and we eat! Kookie needs food"
* Blows the candles * -  Thank you for this .
" Nowww we open the -"
" Can i eat?"
"Kookie! "
" You two open them i want to eat "
- Jimin it's okay you don't know him yet. He needs to eat 6 times a day. *Yoongi says giggling*
" It's true sometimes 10.

Yoongi and Jimin kept staring at each other while Jungkook was eating in his own world.
Suddenly Yoongi's facial changes...

- You got the ringgg? The ring i told you ? Are you out of your mind ?
-Yes ! Yes ! Maybe ! But look i knew it would look so beautiful on you.
- Jimin hear me out! That ring... is expensive!
- I think it will look beautiful on you.
- It's -.
- I still think it will look beautiful.

"HYUNG !  Just put the damn ring and eat." ( Angry Kookie said )
- Okay, okayy stop yelling!
" Let me put it" ( Jimin said while smiling.) *puts the ring*.

-Woah! I feel like a third wheel.
- Well thank you Jimin and you too weirdo!
- Hold on ! I still have something... the shirt!
- The shirt ?
" Yeah... But i am now wearing it"

Jungkook looks confused not knowing the dream Yoongi had seen before so he stopped eating and staring at them. Yoongi tries to hide his smile and lowered his head but the shirt made him giggle.
[ Time passes]

-So now I guess i should leave? ( Jimin said with a disappointed voice).
- Leave?  Where  ?
-Home, it's late I i should leave.
- Ohh , home  i will drive you there pabo.

Jimin decided to walk home with Yoongi since the snow was beautiful. Talking about the ring , Jungkook falling down... It was a good day for them both. While Jimin was happy Yoongi couldn't help but think the first day he saw him. He never thought he would celebrate his birthday again and he never thought it would be because of someone this beautiful...Jimin.

" Yoongi. I have another gift but I don't think it a good idea."
- Jimin you've done literally everything you wanted. I can't even argue with you anymore but I don't understand how can i get another-
"Here. *KISSES*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2021 ⏰

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