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( Just as awkward it was Yoongi left the two boys. One of the things that caused Jimin to have anxiety was people who were mean to him. However he ignored that drank some water and gave a look at the space around. It was a beautiful place,huge in room and had a lot of pictures.Most of them had Yoongi. )

"Is he really that important? "( Jimin said out of curiosity.)

- Who? ( Jungkook says while changing his shoes) 
- Ohh, you mean Yoongi ? Yes he is, we can even say he is the best.

( Jimin was so drown to his thoughts about Yoongi, you can say that he was kind of interested but worried too. That he forgotto respond to Jungkook.)
- Don't worry about him , you will like it here.

( The two boys were getting along when the coach coming really fast. Jungkook got up tried taking Jimin where the coach was going.)

- "Hello everyone. "Sorry i am late there was so much traffic, now please line up and start running. (The coach was about to start the practice when he saw Jimin)
"Oh my god. "Park Jimin! I am sorry I forgot since i was in a rush , please come in front and so i can introduce you to the team.

( When Jimin heard that his anxiety came back and walked slowly where the coach was. Everyone was staring at him saying Hi and whispering, except for Yoongi who just stared. )

- Welcome Park Jimin i will be your coach and guide you along with the team. We practice 6 days a week. Jimin will be the new member of the Blue Team. He just moved out with his parents and now he will live here.
Also Jimin my name is Namjoon you choose to call me Joon or coach.( Jimin smiles thinking how peaceful and a nice person the coach is when he ...)

- EVERYONE LINE UP ! ( Jimin suddenly gets scared and steps back a little. Yoongi saw that and smirked a little )
*Coach* ! (Someone says out of nowhere )
"Yes!" (Namjoon says lowering his voice now.)
- The new- i mean  Jimin , he might not be able to practice today. (Jungkook continues..)
"And why he can't ? "

- The little guy missed his buss. ( Thats when everyone's eyes change the direction to Yoongi )

(Jungkook trying to break the silence says:
"Yes the buss left but Jimin tried his best he ran."
- If you can call that the best ... (Yoongi said in a sarcastic way and gained a look from everyone)
"It's okay he can sit down for today maybe watch the routine." (Namjoon says trying to comfort Jimin who was silent and seemed to be too shy to speak. His cheeks keeps getting red at first it was because he ran now he is just shy. Everyone was getting to place, ready for the practice Jimin just took a sit facing the rest of the members. He was feeling a bit upset and awkward sitting all alone. Meanwhile Yoongi was trying to stretch but he kept getting distracted by Jimin, Yoongi couldn't stop looking at the little one. The coach told them to warm up. Most of the members took the warm up a bit of funny side not that serious. Except from Yoongi who was trying to concentrate as hard as he could. )

13 hours later...

"Goodnight everyone. " "Goodnight see you tomorrow." (After this exhausting long day everyone could finally be able to go home.)

- Goodnight Yoongi see you ( Jungkook said and also saying goodnight to Jimin, he took his bag and left.

(Jimin also was about to leave when e he heard noises. It was yoongi who was playing basketball, again? )

(He thought about asking him a question or just say goodnight and leave. )

- Won't you leave ? ( no response) Okay then have a good night. It was nice meeting you (Jimin said  annoyed )

-"Goodnight little guy" (Yoongi stopped playing, looked at Jimin )

- "I- uhh I am sorry for asking again but umm why aren't you leaving ? It is pretty late and the lights are already turned off. "

- Just leave boy , i am not scared of darkness. "Maybe you won't be able to see?" (Jimin asked in a quiet tone)

-You just came here are you trying to act professional now ? (After yoongi said that every light went off which made Jimin scared and he left without saying anything.

"Such a weird guy! "I just asked him something normal ! He is too dramatic for no reason *eye roll* (he thought to himself)

"OMG! I am a loser a loser a loser !I forgot my bag." (He walks back inside but before saying something he looked  a light it comes from a phone and there is Yoongi sitting. His phone is  away from him on the ground while he is with his head down. )

"Is he okay ? " (Jimin thought while he was trying to see more clearly)

(When suddenly Yoongi got up took his phone closer in order to see and started practicing

"Maybe I should take my bag tomorrow..."

(Jimin said too quiet for someone to hear, and he left.)

"The Award of Happiness "- YOONMINWhere stories live. Discover now