Chapter 1

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Hey guys. How are y-

Kagome: Hello guys! I missed you so much. I was begging Ani to write on but she wouldn't listen.

Inuyasha: Kagome. My my. Can you calm down a little. You're going to scare them away.

Kagome: Oh. Sry. 

Ani: Can I write please?

Kagome and Inuyasha: Okay. Be back later. *Runs off*

Ani: No please! Their gone already.

Kagome POV

Me and Inuyasha had just finished high school. We're still dating. Koga and Kikyo were trying to make us break up but it never worked. They even pretended to date to try to make us jealous. To this day, it never worked. They even made rumors about either Inu or me.

Inu and I were going to the same college. Well more a of a university than college. Japan's University for Scientists. We both decided that we would become scientists because we love working with chemicals and acids and the periodic table.

But what happened wasn't what we expected. Me and Inu love each other dearly. Koga and Kikyo, on the other hand, don't want us to be together. Koga wants to be with me and Kikyo wants to be with Inuyasha.

So on the day university started, me and Inuyasha went to our campus. We expected to make some new friends. We kind of lost all our friends. Sango went to a college and Miroku went to Japan's University for Writers. Shippo was not finished with school yet so he's still in high school. I have no clue where Kikyo and Koga went.

When we got to the campus, we settled down in our room. Luckily we shared a room so we were happy.

KagomeYayyyyy! I get to share a room with Inu!

Inuyasha: Why are you surprised?

Ani: Just because you are acting like this, I'm going to end the chapter.

Kagome: Nooooo! You can't do that. *Holds Ani*

Inuyasha: I'll hold her and you end it.*holds Kagome*

Kagome: You can't end the chapter like that*struggles to get out of Inuyasha's grip* Inuyasha sit!

Inuyasha:*falls down*

Ani: Anyway bye guys and girls, ladies and gents.

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